Rochester: Garbage Plate (or Dumpster Plate)

The "garbage plate" (or "dumpster plate") is a Rochester specialty.

The Coast-to-Coast Guide to 500 of the Best Barecue Joints, Lobster Shacks, Ice Cream Parlors, Highway Diners, & Much More
by Jane and Michael Stern
New York: Broadway Books (Random House)
494 pages, paperback, $17.95
2002 new edition
1978 and 1980, Random House
1992, HarperCollins

Pg. 107 (Nick Tahou Hots, Rochester, NY): Tahou's claim to garbage plate primacy is strong: other restaurants in the Rochester area have tried to put garbage plates on their menu but have been legally enjoined to rename similar dishes they serve "Dumpster plates."