Revocouption (revolution + coup)

On July 3, 2013, the Egypitan military removed the country’s elected president and suspended the Egyptian constitution. An article in the Washington (DC) Post was titled “Is what happened in Egypt a coup or a revolution? It’s both.” The term “revocouption” (revolution + coup) appeared on Twitter on July 3, 2013, at 2:41 p.m.
“Revocouption” was used by author Juan Cole on July 4, 2013, in the blog post “Egypt’s ‘Revocouption’ and the future of Democracy on the Nile.” Cole and others have continued to use the term.
Wikipedia: 2013 Egyptian coup d’état
On 3 July 2013, General Abdul Fatah al-Sisi removed President Mohamed Morsi and suspended the Egyptian constitution in a bloodless coup after ongoing public protests. The move came after large-scale ongoing public protests in Egypt for and against Morsi, and a warning from the army to respond to the demands of the protesters or it would impose its own roadmap. Al-Sisi declared Chief Justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt Adly Mansour as the interim president of Egypt. Morsi was put under house arrest and several Muslim Brotherhood leaders were arrested. The announcement was followed by demonstrations and clashes between supporters and opponents of the move throughout Egypt.
Washington (DC) Post—WorldViews
Is what happened in Egypt a coup or a revolution? It’s both.
By Max Fisher, Published: July 3 at 4:52 pm
Debates are already raging over whether the events of July 3 can be fairly described as a coup or not, as the subversion of democracy or its expression. Those debates are largely academic; what happened could be said to meet the definition of a coup, as well as that of a revolution. But even though both words might apply, neither is in itself enough to describe what happened: It was both a coup and a popular movement, both the expression and subversion of Egypt’s democratic experiment. And, as Foreign Policy’s Joshua Keating points out, although some academic literature finds that coups can be democratizing that doesn’t make them democratic.
“Revocouption” - @bassemk
2:41 PM - 3 Jul 13
Rug Dealer‏
”@YourAnonNews: #Egypt: Coup or Revolution?  Both.” RevoCouption?
3:02 PM - 3 Jul 13
Informed Comment (Juan Cole)
Egypt’s “Revocouption” and the future of Democracy on the Nile
Posted on 07/04/2013 by Juan Cole
The argument over whether what happened in Egypt on Wednesday, July 3, was a coup or a revolution is really an argument over the legitimacy of the actions taken. If it was a revolution, it was perhaps a manifestation of the popular will, and so would have a sort of Rousseauan legitimacy. If it was merely a military coup against an elected president, then it lacks that legitimacy.
The Times of Israel
The revocouption
Call it what you will, the overthrow of Egypt’s Morsi inspires every Israeli writer to let loose on what they think of the situation

By Joshua Davidovich July 4, 2013, 2:31 pm
It’s no surprise that the ousting of Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi Wednesday night dominates news coverage of Israeli papers, much like an Islamist president with an Islamist parliament dominates his country. And like Egypt, Israeli papers are split on whether what they witnessed was a revolution (Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel Hayom) or a coup (Haaretz, Maariv).
Democratic Underground
Mon Jul 8, 2013, 05:25 PM
39. Juan Cole called it a “revocouption”. With millions in the street it was not your typical coup but
neither was it classic revolution in which the millions in the street just sweep the government aside like happened in Tunisia. 
Informed Comment (Juan Cole)
Egypt’s Revocouption Part Deux: Dueling Crowds leave 30 Dead
Posted on 07/27/2013 by Juan Cole
Egypt’s combination of popular street power and military power continued to dominate the unfolding events in that country on Friday. On Wednesday, Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called on the Egyptian masses to gather on Friday to “delegate” to the army the authority necessary to root out terrorism.