Rethuglican or Rethug (Republican + thug)

“Rethuglican” (or “Rethug” for short) is a slang name for the Republican party, used by speakers who believe that the Republicans act like “thugs.” The terms “Rethuglican” and “Rethug” date to late 2000 and early 2001.
Democratic Underground Glossary
Repug, rethug, or repuke - Republican.
Urban Dictionary
A Republican who gets into an elected seat and then proceeds to change the laws so each illegal act he or she makes is now legal.
Tom DeLay blames the liberal media for reports of his illegal acts while House Rethuglican Leader.
by Jeff Satkin Apr 6, 2005
Urban Dictionary
short form of “rethuglican”
Thank God the Democrats kicked the Rethugs out of Congress in 2006.
by MsDeirdre Nov 23, 2006
Wikipedia; The Rethuglican
The Rethuglican is the third album by rapper, Bucwheed. The album was released in 2005 for Delicious Vinyl Records and was produced by J-Swift. This would mark Bucwheed’s first album with Delicious Vinyl, despite being signed by them in 1992.
Google Groups: chi.general
Newsgroups: chi.general
From: “Dusty Rhodes”

Date: 2000/11/26
Subject: Re: Bush Busted!
The rain has stopped and we’re back to blue skies, warm breezes and Republithug (or do you prefer Rethuglican?) bozos on parade at the capitol.
Google Groups: alt.politics.bush
Newsgroups: alt.society.liberalism, talk.politics.misc,, alt.politics.usa.congress, alt.politics.bush
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (R.U.R)
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 18:10:44 GMT
Local: Thurs, Dec 21 2000 12:10 pm
Subject: Re: The Clinton Recession Begins Sooner then He wanted!
As I predeicted. For years, rethuglicans credit the fantastic Clinton economy on REAGAN…now, as Resident Bush is about to mis-lead the country, the downturn is all CLINTON’S fault….when it really should be all REAGAN’S Fault!
Google Groups: alt.politics.bush
Newsgroups: alt.politics.bush
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Phil)
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2001 18:33:25 GMT
Local: Tues, Jan 9 2001 12:33 pm
Subject: Just more Rethuglican hypocrisy…
When a Dem gets caught having an affair and wants to conceal it - it’s a crime and an impeachable offense…
When I Rethug gets caught having an affair and wants to conceal it - it’s simply a “youthful indiscretion”...