Resolutionary (resolution + revolutionary)

Many people make the New Year’s resolution to join a gym and get in shape. They join a gym, stick it out for a few weeks or months, but then quit. The Urban Dictionary‘s “Urban Word of the Day” for January 4, 2007 (first posted November 11, 2006) was “resolutionary,” defined as “People who join a gym after the New Year, only to quit going within 3 months.”
“Resolutionary” (resolution + revolutionary) had been used infrequently since at least the 1970s and 1980s, but the Urban Dictionary popularized its use.
Urban Dictionary
January 4, 2007 Urban Word of the Day
People who join a gym after the New Year, only to quit going within 3 months.
I couldn’t find a free treadmill, the place was crawling with resolutionarys.
by Vincent11 Nov 11, 2006
Google News Archive
5 January 1983, Newberry (SC) Observer, “The Resolutionary War” by Sue Summer, pg. 5, col. 1:
By now you’re probably five days deep into your New Year’s Resolutions and I’ll bet you’re looking high and low for some good excuses to crawl off the wagon.
Benjamin’s Brain
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Resolutionary War
It’s day five of the new year. I meant to write about resolutions on day one, but that obviously didn’t happen. Luckily, blogging is not on my resolution list, so I don’t consider this a failure. Nevertheless, I would like to discuss resolutions. It seems the obvious topic, so here goes.
Anne Notations
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Probably it’s my own fault that I’ve had it up to HERE with the whole concept of New Year’s Resolutions. Every January we pluckily launch ourselves at yet another mountain of self-improvement goals, yet, despite the sincerity of our proclamations about weight loss, exercise, weekly church attendance, or what have you, within weeks if not days we slide back into the same old same old. And we hate ourselves for it—or, at any rate, I do. Because I almost always fail.
Ms. KO
01-18-07 01:28 PM - Post#256986  
Post: New Word - “Resolutionary” 
As found on Merriam
Resolutionary (noun) : one who exercises (as at a gym) with goals made as a New Year’s resolution but fails to continue past the month of January
Example: “The gym is always crowded with resolutionaries in January.”
Fitness and Gym Slang Terms
Gym Jargon

Updated Jul 20 2009 - 10:37am · Posted Jul 16 2009 - 3:30am by FitSugar
Resolutionaries = Folks that join the gym on New Year’s Day and stick around for about a month.
Google Books
Novel Lexemes in English:
Variations, Sources, Stylistic Description

By Natalie Lavrova
Munich: GRIN Verlag GmbH
Pg. 10:
... resolutionary (resolution + revolutionary: a person who makes a New Year’s resolution to join a gym and then quits after a few months), ...
Exercise Expertise by Josh Gould
The Resolutionary War
Posted on January 3, 2011, 12:15 pm, by jgould, under Confessions.
I call it the Resolutionary War. It is the flooding of gyms with new and returning members. It will last from the first Monday after New Year’s Eve until mid-February, give or take a couple weeks. I could set my clock by it. The Resolutionary War is a guarantee like the sun’s rise or the next tide rolling in.