Republicreep (Republican + creep)

“Republicreep” (Republican + creep) is a derogatory term used by those who believe that Republicans are creeps. “Republicreep” has been cited in print since at least 1998.
The “creep” in “Republicreep” probably has nothing to do with the Richard Nixon-era Committee for the Re-Election of the President (commonly called “CREEP”).
Wikipedia: Committee for the Re-Election of the President
The Committee for the Re-Election of the President, abbreviated CRP but often mocked by the acronym CREEP, was a fundraising organization of United States President Richard Nixon’s administration. Besides its re-election activities, CRP employed money laundering and slush funds and was directly and actively involved in the Watergate scandal.
Google Groups: alt.politics.democrats.d
Nov 7 1998
“The people’s business” does include foreign policy, my isolationist friend; violence and chaos overseas not only tends to hurt our balance of trade, but is offensive to that moral sensibility that you republicreeps so love to yammer about.
Google Groups: 
Feb 9 1999
Little government (run by republicreeps) around here is!
Survivalist Forum   
10-21-2008, 02:58 PM
How the Republicreeps duped the (white) working man
Democratic Underground
Thu Dec-31-09 10:37 PM
57. No sense agonizing over which Republicreeps you wished were dead….
Lew Rockwell’s Political Theatre
Messing With Texas
Posted on April 6, 2012 by Lew Rockwell
Are the Republicreeps trying another anti-Ron Paul trick? (Thanks to Steve Cross)