Republico (Politico nickname) is a website and news service that reports political news. Some critics have claimed that Politico has a conservative/Republican bias. The Politico nickname of “Republico” has been cited in print since at least August 2007.
Other Politico nicknames include “GOPolitco” (GOP + Politico), “Pervertico” (pervert + Politico), “Politiho” (Politico + ho/whore)) and “Tiger Beat on the Potomac.”
Wikipedia: Politico (newspaper)
The Politico is an American political journalism organization based in Arlington, Virginia, that distributes its content via television, the Internet, newspaper, and radio. Its coverage of Washington, D.C., includes the U.S. Congress, lobbying, media and the Presidency. It was a sponsor of the 2008 Republican Presidential candidates debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on May 3, 2007, the 2008 Democratic Presidential candidates debate at the Kodak Theater on January 31, 2008, and the 2012 Republican Presidential candidates debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on September 7, 2011.
Daily ‘Republico’ (Politico) Edwards Pushback
by TarHeel , Fri Aug 17, 2007 at 04:35:53 AM EDT
So it’s pretty clear that the Politico, which is founded by a bunch of right leaning folks really does deserve the name “Republico”.
Blue Hampshire
Will Giuliani adultery story change the race?
by: Laura Clawson
Wed Nov 28, 2007 at 17:42:31 PM EST
This is a truly shocking story.
Not that Guiliani is a corrupt adulterer - that isn’t news.
But The Republico Politico committing actual journalism? Now I’ve seen everything. 
by: elwood @ Wed Nov 28, 2007 at 17:32:02 PM CST
Huffington Post
Politico Owner Launching Local DC News Site With Ex-Washington Post Online Editor: MEMO
Huffington Post   |  Danny Shea First Posted: 10-28-09 03:41 PM   |  Updated: 03-18-10 05:12 AM
06:58 AM on 10/29/2009
Politico should be called Republico. They toe the republican line.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Jonathan Allen at the Politico makes fun of health reform legislation for having legal terms in it
By John Aravosis (DC) on 10/30/2009 03:40:00 PM
Jonathan Allen at the Politico (often referred to as the Republico) wrote a story today revealing for the first time that the House health care reform legislation includes legal phrases that non-lawyers might find difficult to understand.
The Political Carnival
Politico aids GOP in lie discrediting President Obama
Posted on Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 6:15 am by Paddy
WWW.DEMOCRATZ.ORG 11 months ago
Ok people, POLITICO should also have the name REPUBLICO as it started with money from right wingers and has not really turned away from a Right wing slant. I do not read POLITICO.
Looks Like My Worries That Politico Republico
Posted by driftglass
7/06/2011 03:30:00 PM
Wouldn’t sufficiently mischaracterize my writing were just silly.

Of course they got it wrong!
The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, IA)
Stand up for U.S. or get out of the way
by The Gazette Opinion Staff ::  UPDATED: 27 October 2011 | 2:49 pm
Owen Harper said: On October 28, 2011
Grover Norquist is only one conservative of many calling out for states to declare bankruptcy. Why? To kill unions, of course. His editorial in The Republico (Politico) doesn’t say that outright, but it’s his goal, nevertheless.