“Republicans vote on Tuesday, Democrats vote on Wednesday” (joke)

U.S. presidential elections are held the first Tuesday in November. A joke has voters being told that “Republicans vote on Tuesday, Democrats vote on Wednesday,” or “Democrats vote on Tuesday, Republicans vote on Wednesday.” Both Democrats and Republicans must, of course, vote on Tuesday. No one can vote on Wednesday.
The election joke—some say that it’s not a joke—has been cited in print since at least the U.S. presidential election in November 2000.
Google Groups: alt.dss.hack
republicans vote Tuesday, democrats vote on Wednesday!
ummm….scuse me…but….ummm….if I wait until Wed. to vote…..will that have any impact on whether or not I get any blue M&M’s in my next bag…..because that’s what’s pissing me off the most right now….
8 November 2000, Milwaukee (WI) Journal Sentinel, “Election joke confuses some voters,” pg. 13A:
Madison—An election joke had some Dane County voters thinking that Republicans and Democrats were to vote on different days.
“Everyone votes (Tuesday),” said Dane County Clerk Joe Parisi.
The report, which started from an unknown source on the Internet and was repeated on a Springfield, Ill., radio talk show, says because of the presidential election and expected crowds, Republicans vote Tuesday and Democrats vote Wednesday.
12 November 2000, San Antonio (TX) Express-News, “Focus: The election,” pg. 4G:
...“Random Notes” column suggesting Democrats vote on Tuesday and Republicans vote on Wednesday…
13 June 2001, The Tennesse Tribune (Nashville, TN), “Gibbs’ Tru-Vote system: patent application filed, worldwide use” by Clint Confehr, pg. 1A:
“One lady in particular was told as she approached the voting place with a Gore button on her shirt, she was told Democrats vote on Wednesday, come back tomorrow,” he said. “It was something like out of a 1960s horror story.”
Jason Gillman
Replying to @redmanbluestate
@redmanbluestate We need to remind the Dems that Tuesday is Republican voting day, and Democrats vote on Wednesday
9:23 PM - 30 Oct 2008
Tom Turkey
Hampton Roads in the news: Republican dickheads posting flyers saying Democrats vote on Wednesday, November 5. http://twurl.nl/lzj4i3
2:48 PM - 1 Nov 2008
Some stranger lady with a loud voice, from Alaska, just told me that Republicans vote on Wednesday. then she said, “You Betcha!”
3:12 PM - 3 Nov 2008
Travis Spencer
My dad just called: “I’m not sure who you are voting for, but I just want to remind you that Republicans vote on Wednesday.”
6:37 PM - 3 Nov 2008
Los Angeles (CA) Times
Nov. 8, 2016, 12:20 p.m.
Georgia mayor says he was joking when he told Democrats to vote on Wednesday
A mayor outside Atlanta says he was wasn’t serious when he posted on social media telling his followers to remember that Democrats should vote on Wednesday.
“Remember the voting days: Republicans vote on Tuesday, 11/8 and Democrats vote on Wednesday, 11/9,” Jefferson Riley, the mayor of Mansfield, Ga., wrote on his personal Facebook page on Tuesday.
Google Books
Create to Learn:
Introduction to Digital Literacy

By Renee Hobbs
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Pg. 12:
The mayor of Mansfield, Georgia even posted a message on his Facebook page: “Remember the voting days: Republicans vote on Tuesday, 11/8 and Democrats vote on Wednesday, 11/9.”
Yellowhammer News
Dale Jackson May 30, 2018
ABUSE OF POWER: How Troy King tried to put me in jail because of a joke (but really because I asked him a question he didn’t like)
In early 2009, the day of a special election between State Rep. Laura Hall and now-State Senator Paul Sanford, I made a joke about voting on two days. This joke is an old joke (Republicans vote on Tuesday, Democrats vote on Wednesday).