“Remember November” (“Remember in November”)

The Republican Governors Association released a video on April 23, 2010 titled Remember November. The RGA’s rhyme meant that the public should remember failed Democrat promises and vote Republican in November elections. The poliitical tea party members had used the slogan “Remember in November” since at least January 2010.
A Time magazine writer suggested that the slogan might have been borrowed from the old Guy Fawkes rhyme, “Remember, Remember the Fifth of November” (to mark the failure of the Gunpowder Plot of November 5, 1605), but it’s unlikely that Americans were thinking of this British tradition. The musical The Fantastiks (1965) featured the song “Try to Remember,” popularizing the rhyme of the words “remember” with “September.”
Nursery Rhyme & History: “Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November”
Guy Fawkes & the Gunpowder Plot
Words of “Remember Remember” refer to Guy Fawkes with origins in 17th century English history. On the 5th November 1605 Guy Fawkes was caught in the cellars of the Houses of Parliament with several dozen barrels of gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was subsequently tried as a traitor with his co-conspirators for plotting against the government. He was tried by Judge Popham who came to London specifically for the trial from his country manor Littlecote House in Hungerford, Gloucestershire. Fawkes was sentenced to death and the form of the execution was one of the most horrendous ever practised (hung ,drawn and quartered) which reflected the serious nature of the crime of treason.
The Tradition begins…
The following year in 1606 it became an annual custom for the King and Parliament to commission a sermon to commemorate the event. Lancelot Andrewes delivered the first of many Gunpowder Plot Sermons. This practice, together with the nursery rhyme, ensured that this crime would never be forgotten! Hence the words ” Remember , remember the 5th of November”
Wikipedia: Try to Remember
“Try to Remember” is a song from the musical comedy The Fantasticks. It is the first song sung in the show, to get the audience to imagine what the sparse set suggests. Its lyrics, written by Tom Jones, famously rhyme “remember” with “September”, “so tender”, and “December”, and repeat the sequence llow throughout the song: verse 1 contains “mellow”, “yellow”, and “callow fellow”; verse 2 contains “willow”, “pillow”, “billow”; verse 3 contains “follow”, “hollow”, “mellow”; and all verses end with “follow”. Harvey Schmidt composed the music.
“Try to Remember” was originally sung by Jerry Orbach in the Original Off-Broadway production of The Fantasticks. “Try To Remember” made the Billboard Hot 100 pop chart three times in 1965 in versions by Ed Ames, Roger Williams and The Brothers Four. The song was the first Australian hit for the then-Brisbane based trio New World, billed at the time as The New World Trio. Their version peaked at 11 in late 1968.
Racine TEA Party
Bonfire Tea Party
December 31, 2009
by racineteaparty
January 18, 2010 6:30 pm
We were there for 95% of the Bonfire tea party. It was awesome, great job to ALL who spoke! Very inspiring and great to see “The People” getting out and involved! Like they said, Remember in November!
Washington (DC) Post
Congressman finds political vitriol follows him home to Ohio
By Krissah Thompson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, March 29, 2010
Rep. Steve Driehaus spent the first Sunday of his two-week break from Washington this way: He made breakfast for his wife and kids, took his son to his mother’s house and bought the boy a bicycle while his wife and daughters went shopping.
Outside his Cincinnati home, a few angry protesters wouldn’t allow him a full escape from the raw and vitriolic discussions that have embroiled the health-care debate for more than a year. They showed up to decry the freshman congressman’s vote for the overhaul, standing in the chilling rain most of the afternoon Sunday holding signs that read: “Driehaus Voted to Destroy Our Children’s Future” and “Remember in November.”
Michelle Malkin
Obama mocks, we remember
By Michelle Malkin •  April 15, 2010 09:24 PM
President Obama derided the Tea Party activists at a Miami fund-raiser tonight.
Like the Tea Party sign says: “We’ll remember in November.”
Jesse Warnock
The Tea Party Movement: A Synopsis
by jesse on Apr.22, 2010
People from all over the country joined in the protest, many of them wearing buttons and tee-shirts with such slogans as, “Remember in November,”  “No Obamacare” and “Re-elect No one”. 
POLITICO.com - Ben Smith
April 23, 2010
RGA: ‘Remember November’
The Republican Governors Association—in keeping with Haley Barbour’s core message of focusing on this year’s midterms—is launching a “Remember November” campaign with a deliberately alarming video that showcases some new media chops.
Time magazine
Republican Governors Pay Homage To Guy Fawkes
Posted by Michael Scherer
Friday, April 23, 2010 at 5:54 pm
A few years back, two left-leaning writers, Andy and Lana Wachowski, adapted the story of Guy Fawkes, a Catholic radical who is remembered primarily for his failed attempt, on November 5, 1605, to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. The Wachowski brothers movie, V for Vendetta, made Fawkes the hero and presented the British crown as an oppressive dictatorship that was meant to echo, at least in technique, certain aspects of the administration of George W. Bush, down to the hooded prisoners, the orange jump suits and the unapologetic embrace of harsh interrogation techniques.
The meaning of Fawkes is, of course, not fixed. The Wachowski brothers’ retelling of the Fawkes’ story was later embraced by libertarian supporters of Ron Paul. During the 2008 campaign, “Remember, Remember The Fifth of November” became a rallying cry for Paul boosters, who shared at least some of the revolutionary fire of both Fawkes and the Wachowskis. On November 5, 2007, Guy Fawkes Day, Paul supporters raised more than $4 million online.
Now, the Fawkes mythology has come full circle. The Republican Governors Association has embraced the symbolism of Fawkes, launching a rather striking website, RememberNovember.com, with a video that showcases far more Hollywood savvy than one can usually expect from Republicans.
Hot Air
Video: “Remember November”
posted at 9:08 pm on April 23, 2010 by Allahpundit
A dynamite little piece of expressionism from Haley Barbour and the Republican Governors Association, aimed at synthesizing the mood of angry grassroots would-be donors. The message is familiar, but between the HD, the F/X, and the editing, the production values are light years ahead of the usual DNC/RNC crap. If they’re looking to get attention, this’ll help.
I was tipped to this, incidentally, by Time magazine, which is pushing the angle that “Remember November” is a deliberate allusion to anti-government British terrorist Guy Fawkes. Which I guess qualifies this as some sort of “dog whistle” to the neo-McVeigh-ish wingnut base or whatever. Unless I missed something, though, there’s nothing in the vid itself nodding at Fawkes; the one and only supposed reference is the name of the website, and even that’s not quite right. The old rhyme about Fawkes is “remember, remember the fifth of November.” If I had to guess why the RGA chose the name they did, I’d inch out on the limb and conjecture that it’s because it rhymes, much like the phrase “We’ll remember in November” that the boss emeritus floated last week.
Guy Fawkes? I think instead we’re meant to think of the Fantasticks. 😉
Tzetzes on April 23, 2010 at 11:51 PM
NYTimes.com - The Caucus
September 12, 2010, 1:10 pm
Sunday Word
“The general theme [this year] is ‘we will remember in November,’” FreedomWorks president and chief executive, Matt Kibbe, told The Daily Caller.