Rat Cheer (“right here”)

“Rat cheer” is (supposedly) how people in the South say “right here.” The joke pronunciation dates from at least the early 1960s.
Urban Dictionary
Southern U.S. slang for “here”. Seems to imply that “chair” can be substituted for “there”.
Look rat cheer! (translated: Look right here!).
by Norman Dec 5, 2003
Redneck Southern Dictionary
18)  CHEER - (adverb) - In this place.  Usage:  “Jest set that bare rat cheer.” 
Cajun Dictionary
rat cheer, in front of, before you.
“Rat cheer is where we caught all dem trouts.” 
Texas—Lone Star State
Rat cheer (not there but here”—}Lay the books rat cheer.” 
Like the Texas expression “Rat Cheer”?
Posted by: jimbobiker on 11/7/2005 6:45:12 PM (Report Abuse)
In Texas, they say “rat cheer”, meaning in this exact location, as in “You put that thing down rat cheer”
Bye Bye Texan-ese
by L. E. Guillot
Dallas, Texas (published by author)
Pg. 3:
Clean his plow; Hog wild; Clean as a picked chicken; Riled; Poke stock; Powder puff; Old nester; Pass the buck; Good people; Bits; Flick team; Of an evening; Bug hunting; Rat cheer
15 March 1963, Northwest Arkansas Times (Fayetteville, AK), pg.2 ad:
These Are Not Shipped In From St. Louis or Made the Night Before But Are FRESH RAT CHEER!
22 November 1963, Austin (TX) Statesman, Earl Wilson column, pg. 12:
NEW YORK—After a fast trip to Washington the other day, I came back talkin’ Southern…I was drippin’ expressions like “Lord hep me”...“Pull up a cheer and set a spell”...“Pass the braid and butter” and “Ray for Texissss!”
I want yawl to know that ah realize that rat cheer in Nuh-yark City we also talk strangely.
31 December 1963, Delta Democrat-Times (Greenville, MS), pg. 4, col. 8:
SOME definitions from the “Dixie Dictionary”—which sells for “50 cents: Yankee Money.”:
AUTO: I auto go to work, but Ahm tared.
AX: Ah ax you this.
BARN: I was barn in Kentucky.
BALKS: Pass me that match balks.
DID: He’s did.
GULL: A young femal human.
RAT CHEER (not there): Lay it rat cheer.
YAWL: Yawl come to see me soon.
How to Be a Texan (No Experience Necessary)
by Sam Huddleston, part owner of Texas
Brownsville, TX: Quality Printing Company
Pg. 3:
Rat Nao—Immediately.
Rat Cheer—In this very place.
Rat Chonder—Over thataway.
Rat Tare—A little south of Rat Cheer.
27 June 1975, Los Angeles Times, “Tarheel State Puts Out Glossary for ‘Furriners.’” pg. I4:
“Rat cheer” simply means “right here,” as in: “Lay it rat cheer.”