Rapefugee (rape + refugee)

The European migrant crisis of 2015 saw European countries admit many refugees. News of these refugees committing rapes resulted in the name “rapefugee” (rape + refugee). “#Rapefugee” was cited on Twitter on October 30, 2015. The term became viral in January 2016, after incidents on new year’s eve in Cologne, Germany.
Wikipedia: European migrant crisis
The European migrant crisis or European refugee crisis began in 2015, when a rising number of refugees and migrants made the journey to the European Union to seek asylum, travelling across the Mediterranean Sea, or through Southeast Europe. They came from areas such as the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and the Western Balkans.
Melly Is My Queen
#WhiteGenocide #IStandWithGermany #IStandWithSweden #ISaluteWhitePeople #Rapefugee Music: “They’re Holocausting Us”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNhZi4-Ccjk …
10:32 PM - 30 Oct 2015
Torsten Sjöberg
@wendi_334 take a look @ Europe, these 4 totally incompetent wtr the rapefugee crisis.
>women doing a mans job
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1:29 AM - 31 Oct 2015
Whitey McPrivilege
Swedish woman raped by a #Rapefugee didn’t report rape because she felt sorry for the crimmigrants situation http://www.infowars.com/swedish-woman-raped-by-refugee-refuses-to-report-it-because-she-feels-sorry-for-him/
2:12 PM - 1 Dec 2015
Dr. Peter Huber
@cappy0815 das waren marsmenschen und nur so schwarz wegen des feuerwerks #rapefugees
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1:29 AM - 6 Jan 2016
Refugees Welcome kan väl ställa upp med sina egna sköten för Rapefugees så vanligt folk får vara ifred!#svpol
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2:02 AM - 6 Jan 2016
#Rapefugees Trending on Twitter After Cologne NYE Attacks — And the Rhetoric Is Spreading
Claire Lampen’s avatar image By Claire Lampen January 07, 2016
One week after New Year’s Eve celebrations soured in Cologne, Germany, when an apparently coordinated outbreak of sexual assault, mugging and rape of some 90 women ringing in 2016 broke out, #rapefugees is trending on Twitter, and that anti-refugee rhetoric is trending across the European Union.
Live Trading News
Rapefugee Germany Not Safe for Women
Posted by: : Shayne HeffernanPosted on: January 9, 2016
In Cologne, riot police fired water canon at PEGIDA protesters after some threw firecrackers and beer bottles at officers.
Two people were injured in the clash, and police made a number of arrests.
Police had called on demonstrators, some of whom had chanted “Merkel must go”, to return to a square near the city’s train station, from where they had set out on a march through the city.
A police spokeswoman said the PEGIDA protest had attracted some 1,700 people, half of whom she described as coming from the ‘hooligan scene’.
“Rapefugees not welcome,” one banner read.
New York (NY) Post
Germans slam ‘Rapefugees’ in wake of mass sexual attack
By Mary Kay Linge January 10, 2016 | 1:41am
German protesters seething over a series of sexual assaults of women by migrants on New Year’s Eve brought tensions to a flashpoint in Cologne, where police unleashed water cannons and tear gas to control crowds.
Dueling groups took over the streets Saturday, including 1,700 anti-Muslim demonstrators who threw bottles and firecrackers at cops and carried signs reading, “Rapefugees Not Welcome,” and shouting, “Merkel out,” denouncing the open-door policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel, who welcomed 1.1 million refugees and migrants to Germany in 2015.
The New Observer
Charges Laid over “Rapefugee” T-Shirt
Charges have been laid with the German prosecution service over the “Rapefugees Not Welcome” T-shirt and logo, according to a spate of controlled media reports today.