“Racist: An individual who wins an argument against a liberal”

“Racist: Anyone/Someone who wins an argument against a liberal” (or “Racist: An individual who wins an argument against a liberal”) is a jocular definition that has been printed on many images
“‘The modern definition of ‘racist’ is ‘someone who is winning an argument with a liberal’—Peter Brimelow, National Review (2/1/93)” was posted on the newsgroup alt.quotations on January 22, 1993. British-born American columnist, writer, and magazine editor Peter Brimelow used the expression many times.
”[New definitions.] Racist: Someone who wins an argument against a liberal” was posted on Twitter by Michael Roy Hollihan on September 18, 2012.
“Racist: Anyone who wins an argument against a liberal” was posted on Twitter by Pepe The Deplorable on April 3, 2016.
“Racist an individual who wins an argument against a liberal shirt” was posted on Twitter by Heaven T-shirt Shop on April 29, 2021.
Wikipedia: Peter Brimelow
Peter Brimelow (born 13 October 1947) is a British-born American columnist, writer, and magazine editor. He is the founder of the website VDARE, an anti-immigration site associated with white supremacy, white nationalism, and the alt-right. He believes that “whites built American culture” and that “it is at risk from non-whites who would seek to change it”.
Brimelow was previously a writer and editor at National Review, and columnist for Dow Jones’ MarketWatch. Brimelow founded the Center for American Unity in 1999 and served as its first president. He describes himself as a paleoconservative.

Google Groups: alt.quotations
Definition of racism
Steven M Casburn
Jan 22, 1993, 4:14:59 PM
“The modern definition of ‘racist’ is ‘someone who is winning an argument with a liberal’”
—Peter Brimelow, National Review (2/1/93)
30 April 1995, Atlanta (GA) Journal-Constitution, “Immigration: Time for a Change?” by Peter Brimelow, pg. G2, col. 4:
Because the term “racist” is now so debased, I usually shrug off such smears by pointing to its new definition: anyone who is winning an argument with a liberal. Or, too often, a libertarian. And, on the immigration issue, even some confused conservatives.
30 April 1995, Daily News (Los Angeles, CA), “Policing Immigration’s Borders” by Rich Martin, pg, L18:
He (Peter Brimelow—ed.) has a ready-made rejoinder for those who would call him racist. A racist, he said, is “anyone who is winning an argument with a liberal.” Point well taken: Racism is often charged when someone has a politically incorrect opinion about an issue involving race or ethnicity.
17 November 1995, USA Today (McLean, VA), “Letters,” pg. 14A:
I think Carter’s problem with the increasingly conservative American populace is better reflected by the popular joke making the rounds: “What do you call someone winning an argument against a liberal? A bigot.”
Tim Pettus
Columbia, Mo.

13 November 1996, The Financial Post (Toronto, ON), “All Things Considered” by Michael Coren, pg. 15, col. 2:
We all know the definition of a racist, a sexist or a fascist—someone who is winning an argument against a liberal.
30 April 1997, The Financial Post (Toronto, ON), “All Things Considered” by Michael Coren, pg. 17, col. 3:
It used to be that the definition of a racist was someone who was winning an argument with a liberal. Time to change it.
Len Carson
Replying to @RagingElephants@RagingElephants
What’s the definition of a racist?  Answer: Anyone having an argument with a liberal.
5:10 PM · Feb 27, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Chad Buxton
Q - How do you know you just won an argument with a liberal?  A - They call you a racist.
8:57 PM · May 12, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Tony Tedesco (he/him)
“A racist is someone who wins an argument against a liberal” ~ m.coren
11:23 PM · May 29, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Rodger Morrow
“The modern definition of “racist” is “someone who is winning an argument with a liberal.”” - Peter Brimelow http://tumblr.com/xq62cvj4e
12:23 AM · Jul 16, 2009·Twitter Web Client
The modern definition of ‘racist’ is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal—Peter Brimelow
12:56 AM · Aug 3, 2009·Twitter Web Client
“The modern definition of “racist” is “someone who is winning an argument with a liberal”  Peter Brimelow
8:15 AM · Aug 7, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Shea Levy
Thomas Sowell’s definition of “racist”: Someone who is winning an argument with a Liberal.
11:32 AM · Aug 13, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Posted by u/kcalbelpoep August 28, 2009
“The modern definition of ‘racist’ is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal.”
RACIST: A conservative winning an argument with a liberal. http://www.zazzle.com/backitupwithfacts
6:44 PM · Aug 28, 2009·Twitter Web Client
,a href=“https://www.nationalreview.com/2010/08/heres-concept-lets-not-talk-about-race-mona-charen/”>National Review
Here’s a Concept: Let’s Not Talk About Race
August 31, 2010 4:00 AM
Liberals keep unfairly tarring conservatives with the label “racist.”
As the radio host Chris Plante puts it: “The definition of a racist today is anyone who is winning an argument with a liberal.”
Mona Charen is a nationally syndicated columnist.
Joseph A. Gallant
Definition of a racist: a conservative winning an argument with a liberal. -Thomas Sowell #tcot #p2 #TeaParty
9:10 PM · Nov 9, 2010·Twitter Web Client
Daniel Dickel
@1861_againRT @TinaVane: @GregWHoward
The modern definition of “racist” is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal—Peter Brimelow
11:08 AM · Dec 19, 2010·Twitter SMS
Michael Roy Hollihan
[New definitions.] Racist: Someone who wins an argument against a liberal.
6:40 AM · Sep 18, 2012·Twitter Web Client
Posted by u/va3slj October 22, 2015
“A racist is anyone who is winning an argument with a liberal.”—Doug Wilson
Pepe The Deplorable
Racist: Anyone who wins an argument against a liberal.
See? I can make up definitions too!
12:32 AM · Apr 3, 2016·Twitter for iPad
Degsy Roberts
Replying to @His_Grace@danjoslynsiem
Racist: noun; one winning an argument with a liberal
1:25 PM · Nov 22, 2016·Twitter for Android
Racist (Noun)
Anyone winning an argument with a liberal.
8:32 PM · Dec 3, 2016·Twitter for iPad
1. Someone who wins an argument against a liberal.
5:05 PM · Jan 25, 2017·Twitter for iPhone
Dan List
RT @michaelkeyes:
1. Someone who wins an argument against a liberal.
8:32 PM · Jan 26, 2017·TweetCaster for Android
Rich Nagel
1. A person who wins an argument with a liberal.
1:54 AM · Jan 31, 2018·Facebook
i hate people, i just saw a man with a shirt that said “racist: someone who wins an argument against a liberal”
3:29 PM · Apr 17, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Kenshin MacLeod
So I was just doing carts and I saw someone come into the store with this shirt
A person who wins an argument against a Liberal
I didn’t say anything because working but this pisses me off so much. Racism is a evil thing that should be gone by now not a political tool.
5:56 PM · Nov 1, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Heaven T-shirt Shop
But there are some Racist an individual who wins an argument against a liberal shirt . dogs that just stick to the also I will do this basics, and no more, like my own.  #Racistanindividualwhowinsanargumentagainstaliberalshirt
1:07 AM · Apr 29, 2021·Blog2Social APP
1. Someone who wins an argument against a liberal.
8:54 PM · Sep 8, 2021·Twitter for iPhone