Proglican (progressive + Republican)

“Proglican” (progressive + Republican) is another term for a “RINO” or a “Rockefeller Republican”—a moderate Republican. Scott Brown won the special election for U.S. Senate from Massachusetts on January 19, 2010; on February 24, 2010, he was called a “Proglican.”
“Proglican” has had extremely sparse use;“RINO” seems to be the generally accepted term.
Urban Dictionary
Proglican - This political animal adapts with each election and change in the domestic economic landscape and world circumstances. A portmanteau combining “Progressive” and “Republican”.
I was shocked to learn Scott Brown was a Proglican - elected as a Republican but votes like a Progressive.
by SkoalJohn1 Feb 24, 2010
Proglican - The new RINO
Proglican defined
By hollywoodmeme
1.  Refers to a member of the Republican Party of the United States (the GOP) whose political views or actions are perceived as more Progressive than conservative.
2.  This political animal adapts with each election and change in the domestic economic landscape and world circumstances.  The Proglican favors more change than Republicans or Democrats but are more conservative in outlook than populists.
3.  A portmanteau combining “Progressive” and “Republican”
This entry was posted on February 24, 2010 at 5:44 pm and is filed under Media.