“Procrastination is a dish best served some other time”
“Procrastination is a dish best served eventually” is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. Delaying procrastination is an irony.
“..procrastination is a dish best served…eventually…” was posted on X/Twitter by Maribel on January 23, 2011. “Procrastination is a dish best served eventually” was posted on X/Twitter by Theseus Turncloak on October 2, 2012. “@Pan_duh: Procrastination is a dish best served eventually” was posted on X/Twitter by Heather Gibson on October 22, 2012.
“Procrastination is a dish best served some other time” was posted on X/Twitte by Brother Rabbit on July 17, 2011. “Procrastination is a dish best served some other time” was posted on Facebook by Hope Caldwell on November 24, 2012.
Wiktionary: revenge is a dish best served cold
Earliest known metaphorical reference to revenge as food in English is “And then revenge is very good eaten cold, as the vulgar say”, from an 1846 translation of Eugène Sue’s Mathilde: Mémoires d’une Jeune Femme. The passage suggests that it was an existing expression. Similar proverbs are known as early as the 17th century with “Reuenge is not good in cold bloud” in a translation of Don Quixote.
The phrase exists in various Romance languages: Italian la vendetta è un piatto che va servito freddo, Spanish la venganza es un plato que se sirve frío, French la vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid. In French, it’s commonly used since at least the 19th century.
In English, many variations are attested but the exact phrase revenge is a dish best served cold may originate from the 1982 film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
revenge is a dish best served cold
1. Revenge is best or most satisfying when delayed.
..procrastination is a dish best served…
8:05 PM · Jan 23, 2011
Brother Rabbit
Procrastination is a dish best served some other time.
5:32 PM · Jul 17, 2011
Nadine Nour el Din
“Procrastination is a dish best served some other time.”
7:34 PM · Jul 17, 2011
Theseus Turncloak
Procrastination is a dish best served eventually.
1:03 AM · Oct 2, 2012
Procrastination is a dish best served eventually
11:20 AM · Oct 9, 2012
Heather Gibson
“@Pan_duh: Procrastination is a dish best served eventually ” @CakeyJoy and on a Friday afternoon #queenofprocrastionation
1:38 PM · Oct 22, 2012
Hope Caldwell
November 24, 2012 at 7:29 PM ·
Procrastination is a dish best served some other time.
“@pan_duh: Procrastination is a dish best served eventually.” #HA! #Funny!
9:05 PM · Dec 6, 2012
Procrastination is a dish best served eventually.
7:24 AM · Dec 19, 2012
Elder millennial
Procrastination is a dish best served some other time.
2:58 PM · Jul 18, 2014
im not right in the head.com added a new photo to the album: NOT RIGHT WISDOM & TRUTH.
February 17, 2025 at 9:46 PM ·
Shared by Nathan Cassady
(The following text is shown—ed.)
is a Dish
Best Served