“Power stays with a fighter for years” (boxing adage)

A boxing adage states that while speed might decrease as a fighter ages, punching power stays around longer. “I guess speed is what fades first in the old fighter. Technique and punching power stays longer” was cited in print in May 2010. “Power stays with you as you age. Speed unfortunately doesn’t” was cited in print in April 2013. “As the old adage goes, power stays with fighters regardless of how old they are” was cited in print in July 2013.
It’s not known who first came up with the adage.
Google Books
My View from the Corner:
A Life in Boxing

By Angelo Dundee with Bert Randolph Sugar
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
Pg. 286:
And power is the last thing a boxer loses.
Boxing News 24 Forum
05-06-2010, 06:56 PM
Re: speed is what makes old fighters look old.
I guess speed is what fades first in the old fighter. Technique and punching power stays longer. So speed will eventually become a deciding factor.
Boxing News 24 Forum
09-02-2012, 03:17 PM
did tyson lose power with age?
The saying is that power stays with a boxer till the end, but i believe that mike lost quite alot as he aged. It may be because of losing speed, i also think he started throwing his shots different in his later career.
Boxing News 24
Time will tell but believing that he’s incapable of knocking soemone out when everyone knows power stays with a boxer for years just shows how much lack of intelligence these articles from Chris Williams contain
Posted November 13, 2012
Boxing Scene
04-16-2013, 06:56 PM
Power is the last thing to go.
Power stays with you as you age. Speed unfortunately doesn’t.
Boxing News 24 Forum
Bill 1234
05-13-2013, 11:54 AM
Re: Comparing power between eras
His (Cleveland Williams—ed.) skills might have greatly deteriorated, but he still could punch like a mule could kick.
Power stays with fighters until a very late age, usually even long past their retirement. Like was said, too many fighters testified that he was one of the hardest punchers to simply brush aside.
Ali, Liston, Foreman, Chuvalo…these guys all know power when they feel it, and they all said Williams had tons of it.
Boxing Scene
Last update: 7/12/13
Mares Recalls Gonzelez Sparring, Expects Tough Fight
By Francisco Salazar
As the old adage goes, power stays with fighters regardless of how old they are.