Postage Stamp Consensus

“Postage stamp consensus” is a term that was popularized by English writer and public speaker David Icke in 2016. A “postage stamp consensus” represents the traditional groupthink of the masses, as announced on the news of the mainstream media. People are told what to think, but don’t really think for themselves.
“Postage stamp consensus” was the title of a forum thread on on June 14, 2016. David Icke spoke of the “the postage stamp consensus of normal” in an interview published on August 6, 2016.
Wikipedia: David Icke
David Vaughan Icke (/aɪk/; born 29 April 1952) is an English writer and public speaker. A former footballer and sports broadcaster, Icke has been known since the 1990s as a professional conspiracy theorist. He is the author of over 20 books and numerous DVDs, and has lectured in over 25 countries, speaking for up to 10 hours to audiences.
postage stamp consensus
14-06-2016, 11:33 PM
It is very fitting that David talks about the postage stamp consensus today and what happens when you step off it,well it happened to me a few days ago.
Replying to @WakeUpMFers
exactly…house always wins but that is not a debatable issue on postage stamp consensus that is #MSM #brexit
8:53 AM - 24 Jun 2016
Exposing the Lizard Illuminati: An interview with David Icke
Harrison Christian
“I use the concept of the rabbit hole,” he explained. “I start outside the rabbit hole and I point out the program - the postage stamp consensus of normal.
“All I’m doing is I’m hearing the official story, and saying, ‘Ok, let’s see if it stands up’.”
Replying to @ChaniEvenstar
@Cernovich @CohenBurstein   They have to define so they can control.  David Icke calls it “postage stamp consensus.”
11:00 PM - 12 Sep 2016
“Postage Stamp Consensus” - David Icke. Whatever you might think of the guy, that is quite a brilliant analogy of folks’ thinking.
3:30 PM - 11 Apr 2017