“Police are a fraternity, fire personnel are a brotherhood, and EMTs are family”

A 2015 newspaper story mentioned “an old saying in the EMT business is that police are a fraternity, fire personnel are a brotherhood and EMTs are family.” It’s not known how widespread this “old saying” is. There have been T-shirts with, “EMTs Don’t Become Friends—They Become Family.”
SunFrog shirts
EMTs Are Family
EMTs Don’t Become Friends
They Become Family
New Haven (CT) Register
On final day for Chick’s in West Haven, old friends reminisce
By Brian Zahn, New Haven Register
POSTED: 11/15/15, 9:52 PM EST
Hurlburt said an old saying in the EMT business is that police are a fraternity, fire personnel are a brotherhood and EMTs are family.