Pointy Boots

Texas Governor Rick Perry was frequently called “Pointy Boots” in June-July 2011, when Perry flirted with running for president. KLBJ-AM 590 (Austin) radio personality Jeff Ward used the “Pointy Boots” nickname, as did others on KLBJ, such as Alex Jones.
Texans have long been associated with wearing pointy cowboy boots. “Cowboy hat, pointy boots and a belt buckle big enough to knock a cow unconscious” was used in a country music newspaper article in February 1974. A Time magazine article from January 1983 described “the Lone-Star cafés, pointy boots, ten-gallon hats, all the trappings of the urban cowboy.”
I Want Texas
Pointy Boots 2012
(Gift items—ed.)
24 February 1974, San Antonio (TX) Express-News, “The Kountry Kraze” by Ron White, Sunday Magazine, pg. 11, col. 2:
For years even in the cities C/W was the music of the kickers exclusively. You only listened to it if you wore a cowboy hat, pointy boots and a belt buckle big enough to knock a cow unconscious.
28 June 1976, New York (NY) Times, “Texas Cattle Auction as Big as the Ritz” by James P. Sterba, pg. 41:
It was the men who dressed loudly, many of them with pointy boots sticking out from under an assortment of tuxedos ranging in color from black to burgundy and baby blue. Several of them were Western-cut and felt-trimmed.
3 April 1977, New York (NY) Times, “Petropolitics at Work on Capital Hill” by James M. Naughton, pg. 104:
WASHINGTON—When Representative Robert C, Krueger of Texas decided to sponsor legislation that would end Government price controls on new natural gas, he stopped wearing Western Boots.
A former legislative aide who was enmeshed in energy matters offered an equally unflattering impression: “The oil industry has the image of unsophisticated guys in pointy boots and big hats doling out cash.”
Time magazine
Sport: Hail to the Redskins
By HP-Time.com;Tom Callahan
Monday, Jan. 31, 1983
Beyond sports, the Cowboys may have some culpability in the entire Texas wave the country has suffered, from that cheesy show on television, Dallas, to the Lone-Star cafés, pointy boots, ten-gallon hats, all the trappings of the urban cowboy.
29 August 1994, USA Today, “Moon makes adjustments in Minnesota” by Larry Weisman, pg. 1C:
No more Texas drawls. Tall hats. Pointy boots. Relentless humidity.
Google Books
Tourists, Retirees, and Other Reasons to Stay in Bed
By David Grimes
Sarasota, FL: Pineapple Press
Pg. 66:
Texans wear cowboy hats and pointy boots and say “Git along, little doggie.”
New York (NY) Times
Now, the Era of Pointy Boots and Big Hats
Published: December 25, 2000
To the Editor:
Re ‘‘Son of Muffy: Preppy Style Returns, Extra Dry and With a Twist’’ (Fashion page, Dec. 19):
While the perennial preppy look may be enjoying a revival, the fashion trend most likely to be in the spotlight now that George W. Bush of Texas will be our next president is ‘‘cowboy-cowgirl chic.’‘
New York, Dec. 19, 2000
The writer is editor in chief of The Look on Line.
Puerto Rico Herald
Power Speaks Spanish In Texas
By Kathy Kiely
March 8, 2002
DALLAS—Deep in the heart of Bush country, in the red-white-and-blue-blooded city whose football Cowboys like to brag that they are ‘‘America’s team,’’ political power is speaking in a new language this election season: Español.
Staging an event that once would have been unthinkable in a state known for good ol’ boys in tall hats and pointy boots, the two leading Democratic candidates for Texas governor held a bilingual marathon here last week.
Google Books
What’s Up America?:
A foreigner’s guide to understanding Americans

By Diane Asitimbay
San Diego, CA: Culturelink Press
Pg. ?:
This stereotype is reinforced by western-type clothing. Many Texan men wear a big belt buckle and pointy boots.
IH8MUD.com Forum
Kazuma Cruiser
06-15-11, 09:53 AM
He (Jeff Ward—ed.) sounds drunk on the radio half the time. It might have been a set up for calling Gov Perry “The man with the pointy boots” one too many times on his show.
Vote For David
Friday, June 24, 2011
Say It Ain’t So, Rick!
Governor “Pretty Boy” “King” “Pointy Boots” Rick Perry is making noises about getting into the race for President of the USA.
Pelican Points Technical BBS 
07-17-2011, 11:22 AM
Mr. Pointy Boots Perry - running or not?
I stole the moniker from someone else’s post on another thread
but, will he run or not
Rick Perry has ignored a shooting victim opposed to the death penalty
Mark Stroman is set to be executed today, but Rick Perry has ignored the clemency pleas of one of his victims

Clive Stafford Smith guardian.co.uk
Wednesday 20 July 2011 18.01 BST
21 July 2011 9:07AM
Rick Perry, or “Pointy Boots” as we call him in Texas has been our Governor ever since I can remember. I am 60 years old and my memory runs just fine thank you. We would love nothing more than to get rid of him by making him president or else he will rule Texas for another 60 years!
Perry is the perfect political machine. He IS Texas politics and now that he has his eye on the White House everyone will get to see the Pointy Booted Machine in action.
Huffington Post
Commented on:
Rick Perry 2012? Texas Governor ‘Comfortable’ With Idea Of Presidential Run

Commented 2 weeks ago in Politics  
“Mr. Pointy Boots is what the DJ on KLBJ call him”