PMSNBC or PMS-NBC (MSNBC nickname)
The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) has often been cited for liberal bias. The nickname “PMSNBC” or “PMS-NBC” (PMS + MSNBC) is sometimes used by the political right who believe that the politically left MSNBC network is suffering from a syndrome. Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh popularized the nickname “PMSNBC” (and perhaps coined it).
“PMSNBC” has been in use since at least July 1996. Other MSNBC nicknames include “MSNBS” (since October 1996), “MessNBC” (since March 2002), “MSDNC” (since at least May 2005), “MSLSD” (since September 2005), “MSLGBT” (since October 2008), “Moonbats Spouting Nothing But Crap” (since January 2010), “MSNBC-Pravda” (since August 2010), “More Stupid Nonsense Bull Crap” (since April 2013) and “MSNPC” (since June 2013).
The more conservative Fox News Channel has nicknames that include “Faux News” (since March 2001), “Fux News” (since July 2001), “Fox Spews”/“Faux Spews” (since November 2001), “Foxaganda” (since October 2003), “Fox Noise”/“Faux Noise” (since August 2004), “Fake News” (since September 2004), “Fixed News” (since October 2004), “Fox Comedy” (since December 2005), “Full Of Xenophobia” (since March 2007), “Fixed Noise” (since August 2007) and “FoxPAC” (since September 2009).
Wikipedia: MSNBC
MSNBC (stylized as msnbc) is a cable news channel based in the United States and available in the US, the UK and Canada. Its name is a combination of “Microsoft” and “NBC”., a separate company, is the news website for the NBC News family, featuring interactivity and multimedia plus original stories and video which augment the content from NBC News and partners.
Two partnerships with the names MSNBC and were founded in 1996 by Microsoft and General Electric’s NBC unit, which is now NBC Universal. Although Microsoft and NBC shared operations of MSNBC cable at its founding, it was announced on December 23, 2005, that NBC Universal would purchase a majority stake in the television channel, which left Microsoft with 18%. The two companies remain partners in MSNBC shares the NBC logo of a rainbow peacock with its sister channels NBC, CNBC and ShopNBC. MSNBC is available in over 78 million households in the United States; and between June 2008 and May 2009, had the most unique visitors among global news and current events websites.
Many observers of the channel say that MSNBC has become politically liberal compared with other channels, particularly in its prime-time lineup.
Wikipedia: Premenstrual syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (also called PMT or premenstrual tension) is a collection of physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms related to a woman’s menstrual cycle. While most women of child-bearing age (up to 85%) report having experienced physical symptoms related to normal ovulatory function, such as bloating or breast tenderness, medical definitions of PMS are limited to a consistent pattern of emotional and physical symptoms occurring only during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle that are of “sufficient severity to interfere with some aspects of life”. These symptoms are usually predictable and occur regularly during the ten days prior to menses. Generally, symptoms may vanish either shortly before or after the start of menstrual flow.
Google Groups:
Newsgroups:, alt.rush-limbaugh
From: jswit… (John Switzer)
Date: 1996/07/24
Subject: Summary Mon 7/22/96
Rush suggests MSNBC be called PMSNBC;
Google Groups: ba.broadcast
Newsgroups: ba.broadcast
From: Michael_A._McGu… (Michael A. McGuire)
Date: 1996/08/03
Subject: Re: Michael Savage
How many minutes would it take the ACLU, Act-Up, NAACP, etc to storm the station and tear up the station; all caught live by all of the liberal biased news stations ie. CNN (Communist (or Clinton) News Network), ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC (PMSNBC),etc. Ohh the humanity.
Google Groups: alt.president.clinton
Newsgroups:,, soc.culture.african.american,, ca.politics, alt.president.clinton
From: nos… (Jeff Kazmierski)
Date: 1998/01/10
Subject: Re: Give Them HELL, XONA, USENET Warrior Princess
A-yup. I’ve never heard such fawning, slavering, slobbering kissy-ass since the last time David Stephanopolous was on PMSNBC shilling for the Clintons.
Google Groups: alt.rush-limbaugh
Newsgroups: alt.rush-limbaugh
From: horri… (Horrigan)
Date: 1998/02/05
Subject: PMSNBC?
I noticed that Rush always refers to the news channel jointly operated by Microsoft and NBC as PMSNBC. What point is he trying to make, and why are we supposed to think this is funny? Yeah, yeah, I know that he’s squishing together PMS and MSNBC—- but I reiterate, what point is he trying to make, and why are we supposed to think this is funny?
Google Groups: alt.rush-limbaugh
Newsgroups: alt.rush-limbaugh
From: Cody Jarrett
Date: 1998/02/13
Subject: Rush is OK
I wonder a bit at ‘PMS NBC’....their smarmy talk show hosts, John Gibson, Keith Olbermann have created a new ‘MTV’ (Monica Television)...talking 24 hours a day about Bill Clinton and Monica…I would almost suspect a conspiracy. Except for the fact that I know Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy. However, Clinton’s poll numbers do make me suspect that his devotees watch PMS NBC constantly, and it certainly would cause one to make one think that they are picking needlessly on the pathological liar, I mean ... president of the United States, Bill Clinton.
Google Groups: alt.rush-limbaugh
Newsgroups: alt.rush-limbaugh
From: horri… (Horrigan)
Date: 1998/03/19
Subject: Re: Who Is Sherrie Densuk? Latest from PMSNBC/WBAL
Instead of calling MSNBC, you called it PMSNBC! Hoo boy, that is fun-neeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! PMS? NBC? Get it? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
9 May 1998, Washington (DC) Times:
Rush Limbaugh’s stock reference to “PMSNBC” is justified by Miss Leoni’s monotonous and awkward impersonation of an anchor babe.
Google Groups: alt.sports.basbeall.ny=yankees
From: “O.G. Mike”
Date: 2000/01/06
Subject: Yankees sue alleged ‘cybersquatter’
From pMSNBC:
Team trying to get domain name from computer-loving fan
Google Groups: alt.privacy.anon-server
Newsgroups: alt.privacy.anon-server
From: Steve
Date: 2000/04/22
Subject: Help again please
That server screws up the cookie that PMSNBC send right befor you post…
29 August 2002, Washington (DC) Times:
The prime-time rivalries of Bill, Connie and Phil offer intrigue, particularly among those viewers who joke about “Dona-who” or “PMSNBC” at various online news sites.