“Please drink responsibly, but tip recklessly”

“Please drink responsibly, but tip recklessly” is a saying at many bars and restaurants. “Drink responsibly, tip recklessly” has been printed on many shirts. The jocular saying has been cited in print since at least 2004.
Related “drink responsibly” sayings include “I can’t drink responsibly because responsibilities are why I drink,” “I’ll drink responsibly when there is a brand of vodka named Responsibly” and
“To me, ‘drink responsibly’ means don’t spill it.”
The News-Times (Danbury, CT)
Bethel Beat
News-Times, The (Danbury, CT) Published 8:00 pm, Thursday, June 17, 2004
Set aside Monday for a good dinner and a good cause and keep in mind that the Bethel BPA hopes that many people will come to the restaurant that night to eat and drink responsibly, but to “tip recklessly.”
Christina De
#bartenderslogan: drink responsibly, TIP RECKLESSLY 😉
2:55 PM - 25 Jul 2010
Elle Raye
The bartenders shirt say…..drink responsibly tip recklessly…...I like that…..#butiaintdrunkenough
1:06 AM - 17 Jun 2011
Drink Responsibly,  Tip Wrecklessly! COME SEE US!!! @ Renaissance http://instagram.com/p/s3h-F-ujH9/
8:43 PM - 12 Sep 2014
Bartley King
Please drink responsibly, but tip wrecklessly
12:08 PM - 30 Nov 2014
Drink responsibly, tip recklessly #serverlife
3:09 PM - 22 Jul 2015