Planned-opolis (planned metropolis)

Forum for the Future popularized the term “planned-opolis” (a planned metropolis) in a “Megacities on the move” video released in December 2010. The Forum explained:
Planned-opolis - In a world of fossil fuels and expensive energy, the only solution is tightly planned and controlled urban transport.”
Forum for the Future believes that a “planned-opolis” is an ideal society, but the plan is not without critics. The Alex Jones websites and picked up the term “planned-opolis” to describe an authoritarian government nightmare, similar to the society depicted in George Orwell’s novel, 1984.
Forum For The Future
Megacities on the move animations
Date: 2 Dec 2010.
Megacities on the move—Planned-opolis
Planned-opolis - In a world of fossil fuels and expensive energy, the only solution is tightly planned and controlled urban transport.
New York (NY) Times
Predicting the Climate-Changed City of the Future
By SAQIB RAHIM of ClimateWire
Published: January 3, 2011
In “Planned-opolis,” by contrast, fossil fuels are too pricey to take for granted, so the government plans and computerizes its citizens’ lives to make the city work. This allows many to work from home; others can call for a self-guided car that glides into a network of synchronized commutes.
The “Megacities on the Move” report agrees that people seek more “mobility” in this sense, but it also proposes that in the future, mobility can take new forms. In the super-automated “Planned-opolis,” for example, companies have developed ever-better ways to convey video, audio and other data, so telecommuting has actually become a major climate- and energy-saving strategy.
In a short cartoon portraying “Planned-opolis,” a character named Vee explains that her husband works from home: He’s a “virtual engineer” controlling robots at a desalination plant, but he uses a massive switchboard at his house.
Free Republic
A Liberal nightmare Illustrated - Planned-Opolis
Forum for the Future ^ | 01/06/2011 | Forum for the Future
Posted on Thursday, January 06, 2011 12:21:49 PM by GraceG
For the first time in history more than half the world’s population is living in towns and cities. We passed this milestone in 2008 and by 2040 two in three people are expected to live in urban environments.
Urbanisation presents us with a wealth of new opportunities and huge challenges. It has the potential to further economic development and innovation, but also threatens to exacerbate key global problems, including resource depletion, climate change, and inequality.
Megacities on the move sets out to find solutions to one of the biggest challenges – how billions of city-dwellers can access what they need without putting intolerable strains on the planet. It focuses on how to achieve sustainable urban mobility, looking at all the ways in which people will access goods, services and information and make contact with each other. It goes beyond transport to consider ICT solutions, innovative urban design and much more.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Here is the YouTube video of the idea personified:
Feels like 1984 dressed up in a cheap shiny satin dress.
1 posted on Thursday, January 06, 2011 12:21:53 PM by GraceG
Planned-Opolis: Elitist Agenda For Eco-Enslavement
Chilling future scenario funded by banks & oil companies depicts authoritarian cities where only the wealthy will be allowed to eat meat, drive cars and choose their own career – all in the name of preventing non-existent global warming
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, January 6, 2010 
“Planned-opolis” Cities Already Being Tested in South Korea
Daniel Taylor
Old-Thinker News
January 6, 2011
In 2008 Old-Thinker News reported on the deployment of Ubiquitous Computing technology in South Korea as a testing ground for future development of cities world-wide.
South Korea was chosen for the test because, in the words of the city’s developers, “There is an historical expectation of less privacy.” Recent attention has been given to plans for “planned-opolis” cities – as presented by Embarq, Vodafone and others – that are rigidly controlled to “cut greenhouse gases,” and where travel is tightly restricted.
Globalist Bid To Ban Cars Is Part Of “Planned-Opolis” Agenda
Paul Joseph Watson
March 29, 2011
The controversy generated by the European Commission’s announcement that it intends to ban all cars from city centers by 2050 only scratches the surface of the true tyranny that the globalists have in store for us as part of their “planned-opolis” agenda, which represents a chilling hybrid of communist and fascist control measures that will completely subjugate the population and eviscerate all traces of freedom, mobility and independence.
“Cars will be banned from London and all other cities across Europe under a draconian EU masterplan to cut CO2 emissions by 60 per cent over the next 40 years,” reports the London Telegraph.