Pizza Bagel

The pizza meets the bagel. It had to happen here.

August 1952, Chain Store Age, pg. 5:
Pizza marries bagel--
Klein cafeteria has a hit

Cross-breeding has now entered the realm of food preparations. Out of a recent visit to Miami Beach, Fla., by Phil Harris, president of S. Klein-on-the-Square, department store on Union Sq., New York, there emerged the pizza-bagel.

When Mr. Harris returned from his trip, he dispatched Lou Zachary, cafeteria manager, to Miami Beach to uncover the secret of pizza-bagels he had tasted in Florida. Mr. Zachary's expedition proved fruitless - the pizza-bagel season was over, and nobody was talking - so the Klein high command set about to concoct its own.

An Italian pizza-baker from Brooklyn was engaged, and, after having been introduced to a bagel, he set about reluctantly to foster a union. Two bagel halves were treated with tomato sauce, two kinds of cheese and then baked. After 18 variations on this theme, Mr. Harris' palate matched the New York creation with the Florida original - and a star was born.