PINO (Patriot In Name Only; Progressive In Name Only)

PINO (Patriot In Name Only or Progressive In Name Only) is a spinoff term from the earlier RINO (Republican In Name Only). “RINO” is cited in print from 1992.
“PINO” (Progressive In Name Only) was cited once in print in February 2004, but became popular during the Democratic presidential primary in 2008.
“PINO” (Patriot In Name Only) was cited in December 2006, but became popular during the “tea party” protests of 2009.
Democratic Underground
Sun Feb-22-04 07:30 PM
The REAL Ralph Nader, aka PINO (Progressive In Name Only):...
Goldtalk Forum
12-30-2006, 7:40 PM
Maybe there should be the term BINO…black in name only. Or WINO…white in name only. Or DINO…Dem in name only. JINO…Jewish in name only. PINO…Patriot in name only (remember the photo of Dem politicians saying the Pledge of Allegiance??).
The Huffington Post 
Posted 12:37 AM on 8/21/2008
They should throw the PINOS (progressive in name only) a thank you party.
I say “in name only” because no Progressive or liberal that I have EVER known has behaved with so much self indulgent, narcissistic ugliness…. and they call the C’s self absorbed.
Common Ground Politics
09-04-2008, 11:03 AM
The Big Blogs acting as Frank Nitti to Obama’s Al Capone are now degenerate sewers. At one popular PINO Big Blog a woman lawyer who purports to be a progressive is dispensing gifts as a reward to winning a preverse lottery betting on when Sarah Palin will be driven out of the presidential race. The demand for Hillary Clinton be driven out of the presidential race is now a demand for Sarah Palin to be driven out of the national ticket. The “Democratic” Big Blogs are accusing Palin and her family of faked pregnancies, incest, and being white trash - mere variations of the accusations against Hillary. This time the victim is Sarah Palin. These pitchfork progressives are why we created the category of PINO (progressive in name only).
The Stranger Forums
January 18th, 2009, 03:13 PM
PS. It’s weird that people who poast to this forum defend such backwards and destructive practices as owning and driving SUV’s. Are you P.I.N.O.‘s (progressive in name only)? You don’t practice what you preach?
Atlanta (GA) Journal-Constitution
May 2nd, 2009
2:28 pm
Instead of RINO, now there is PINO. Patriots In Name Only
Fighting Bob
August 18, 2009
PINO: Progressive In Name Only
By Tom Hermann
We have a crop of legislators who want to call themselves “progressives.” But it turns out they only took that label after they became too afraid to call themselves “liberal.” As if that were not cowardly enough, they even refuse to define what a progressive is.
The first progressives, the Fighting Bob La Follette brand, knew that in order to curb the excesses of business you had to regulate business. This applied to utilities, food production, drug production, insurance, and lending, to name just a few. How much of that have you seen lately?
Dallas (TX) Morning News - Opinion Blog
Posted by Rawlins Gilliland @ 4:08 PM Fri, Sep 18, 2009
A RINO or whatever the left calls a Progressive In Name Only. PINO?
Patriots in Name Only
Posted in the Wake Village Forum
Jan 28, 2010
Is a Patriot in nsme only the same as Rep. in name only? “Pino” or “Rhino”?
The Daily Beast
Replacing RINO’s with PINO’s (patriots in name only) won’t solve anything.
5:05 pm, Feb 9, 2010
WARNING - The Tea Party Is In Danger!
By Online: Dale Robertson
February 11, 2010
Reply by Jim Robinson on February 12, 2010 at 10:06am
RINO’s, CINO’s, PINO’s (Patriots in Name Only) and now TINO’s?!! Wow! How very interesting
The OTHER Party
The OTHER Party laughs!
February 23, 2010 by Adrian
I was scanning my friend-list on Facebook and saw several comments about Senator Scott Brown’s Fan-Page erupted into a scathing inditement of his first vote as the Senator from Massachusetts. Conservatives and Republicans hurling bitterness with such brilliantly worded epithets as:
Let’s not forget John Steele for his self-congratulating comment spam where he calls everyone a ”P.I.N.O. – patriot in name only“ I have not seen that much pride in a new word since Bobby Brown discovered ”Prerogative.“
Political Junkies -
Re: So Whole Foods Is Better For You? Think Again
Mon, March 1, 2010 - 3:32 PM
Yeah he talks a mean game but his actions are somewhat different. He recently got a lot of heat for writing a piece against single payer and public option health care. He’s really a PINO (progressive in name only).