“Pineapple on pizza is like the country music of pizza”

Many people have strong feelings about country music—they either like it or hate it. Many people also have strong feelings about pineapple on pizza (such as in a Hawaiian pizza).
“Hawaiian pizza is the country music of pizza” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on May 25, 2017. “Pineapple on pizza is like the country music of pizza. People either like it or they will literally threaten to murder everyone that even speaks of it” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on September 1, 2018.
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Hawaiian pizza is the country music of pizza.
submitted May 25, 2017 by JumbowaterH20
You’re gonna need to explain this one.
I would assume just because they’re both very polarizing… No one is “okay” with country music, and no one is “okay” with pineapples on pizza. Either ya love it or ya hate it, eh?
Little Caesar’s is the country music of pizza
8:20 PM - 23 Aug 2017
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Pineapple on pizza is like the country music of pizza. People either like it or they will literally threaten to murder everyone that even speaks of it.
submitted September 1, 2018 by NoodleSnapback
Pineapple on pizza is like the country music of pizza. People either like it or they will literally threaten to murder everyone that even speaks of it.
4:14 PM - 1 Sep 2018
mr. betru
I just realized that pineapple on a pizza is like the country music of pizza. Some people swear by it, others will literally threaten to murder anyone who speaks about it.
7:00 PM - 1 Sep 2018
Arturas Kerelis
Pineapple on pizza is like the country music of pizza. People either like it or they will literally threaten to murder everyone that even speaks of it.
12:09 AM - 3 Sep 2018