“Pigeon government overthrown. There’s been a coo”

“Coup” sounds like “coo.” “When the birds take over, do the pigeons stage a coo?” was prints in a 2009 book. “The pigeons and doves are planning to overthrow the government. I heard them planning a coo. (sorry)” was posted on Twitter by Gouk.com on February 15, 2012. “Pigeon Government overthrown. There’s been a coo” was posted on Reddit—3amjokes on August 12, 2018.
There are also theatrical puns about “staging a coo.” “Several upset thespian pigeons decided to stage a coo” was printed in a 2009 book. “Why don’t pigeons make good playwrights? Because they always stage a coo!!!!!!” was posted on Twitter by Nikki Prock on September 20, 2010. “‘I’m hoping to stage a coo’—Pigeon playwright” was posted on Twitter by nathan watson on September 29, 2013.
Google Books
More Stupid Poems
By Ian Vannoey
Leicester, UK: Matador
Pg. 17:
In the novel by du Maurier, & the film of Hitchcock too,
When the birds take over, do the pigeons stage a coo?
Google Books
Inside a Dog:
Irreverent Grammar Advice for Word Weary Writers

By Dave Guthmann
Lulu Press (Lulu.com)
Pg. 49:
“Several upset thespian pigeons came to the conclusion it was time to stage a coo” can be shortened to “Several upset thespian pigeons decided to stage a coo.”
Imploding Fictions
PigeonPost: “Beware the pigeon during election time. We may stage a coo…” - Jesse
4:14 PM - 14 Apr 2010
☣ ☠ ☢
There’s word among the pigeons. They’re staging a coo.
9:41 PM - 17 Sep 2010
Nikki Prock ☄ ☄
Why don’t pigeons make good playwrights? Because they always stage a coo!!!!!!
12:44 PM - 20 Sep 2010
Matt Fishwick
What do dissident pigeons stage? A coo. #win100
7:31 AM - 20 Jan 2011
Why can’t pigeons form a military?: The government always hears them talking about a “coo.”
3:41 AM - 7 Sep 2011
The pigeons and doves are planning to overthrow the government. I heard them planning a coo. (sorry)
5:43 AM - 15 Feb 2012
Tim Sweetman
Replying to @Suitov
@Suitov @isntit @semanticist Pigeons don’t write satire! They stage a coo.
2:26 PM - 6 Sep 2012
nathan watson
“I’m hoping to stage a coo”—Pigeon playwright
12:05 AM - 28 Sep 2013
So some pigeons were pretty unhappy with their government… (self.puns)
submitted July 24, 2015 by imadeaname
...they decided to stage a coo
Sabbir Siddiqui
When pigeons overthrow their leader, do they stage a coo?
11:14 PM - 3 Aug 2015
Rattata Jack
The pigeon took control of the government in a coo d’etat.
7:01 PM - 25 Feb 2017
flower boy
theatrical pigeons stage a coo
there’s a joke here everyone, I just know it
9:34 PM - 7 Feb 2018

Th drrbl nd mjstc bby hpp
Replying to @jainz_
Why can pigeons never make a consistent and lasting government?
There’s always a coo
4:40 AM - 29 Mar 2018
Tom Jordan
the pigeons were unhappy with the way their government ran things, so they organised a coo
4:40 AM - 2 Apr 2018
Pigeon Government overthrown self.3amjokes
Submitted August 12, 2018 by IIAOPSW
There’s been a coo
Pigeon Government overthrown… There’s been a coo
12:16 AM - 12 Aug 2018