“People go to Weight Watchers to learn their lessens”

“People go to Weight Watchers to learn their lessens” is a pun on “learn their lessons.” The dieting joke joke was cited in the newsgroup rec.humor in 1996.
Google Groups: rec.humor
Nancy Carson
People go to Weight Watchers to learn their lessens.
Google Groups: alt.tasteless.jokes
Thoughts on diets
Joke List
People go to Weight Watchers to learn their lessens.
The Hindu (India)
February 9, 2008
Wave the green flag to health
People go to Weight Watchers to learn their lessens.
EZ Diet
http://bit.ly/ezDiet People go to Weight Watchers to learn their lessens. (catch the spelling of “lessens”. Get it?)
5:03 PM - 3 Apr 2010
Fitness Viking
People go to Weight Watchers to learn their lessens.�
8:00 PM - 24 Feb 2015