“People get hired for what they know and fired for who they are”

“‘People are hired for what they know and fired for who they are.’ Ed Ryan” was printed in the book How to Get Rich—By the Book (1996) by John F. Beehner. People are hired for their knowledge and what they can do, but are fired for personality flaws and conflicts. It’s not known if Ed Ryan or someone else coined the saying.
Google Books
How to Get Rich—By the Book:
The 14 eternal truths, as old as creation, that still work in business and life today

By John F. Beehner
Jacksonville, FL: By the Book Publishers
Pg. 157:
“People are hired for what they know and fired for who they are.”
Ed Ryan
15 September 1997, Los Angeles (CA) Times, “CAREERS / The Way Work Ought to Be; How Ever Will We Manage?; Creating high-commitment and high-involvement work arrangements will naturally lead to a competitive edge” by Jeffrey Pfeffer, Careers (Business Part II), pg. 15, col. 2:
Good management would entail creating high-commitment and high-involvement work arrangements. These arrangements would help us recruit the right people by understanding that “people are hired for what they know and fired for who they are.”
Google Books
KISS: Guide to Managing Your Career
By Ken Lawson
New York, NY: Dorling Kindersley Publishing
Pg. 141:
People get hired for what they can do and fired for who they are.
Google Books
Lose the Resume, Land the Job
By Gary Burnison
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Pg. 207:
Finally, your boss hired you for a reason. Fulfill that reason and follow this simple advice: Don’t be among the people who were hired for what they know and then get fired for who they are. Simply stated, don’t be a jerk!
Keith Westman, Ed.D.
Replying to @JillGildeaPCSD
As they say, “people are hired for what they know, fired for what they do.” We need to be sure kids do the right things. #edchat
1:14 PM - 22 May 2018 from Chicago, IL
Mia L. McDonald
“People get hired for what they can do and fired for who they are” -@Ria_Story #GAWP2018
12:17 PM - 16 Jul 2018 from Savannah, GA
Siri Za Maisha
“People get hired for what they know and get fired for who they are.”
1:08 PM - 10 Dec 2018
People get hired for what they know and fired for what they are
3:48 PM - 16 Dec 2018
Kesha Brown
Leadership 101 continues: people get hired for what they know, and fired for who they are. I agree. Don’t just develop hard skills, develop soft skills too. Character is everything! Do you agree or disagree? Comment below.
7:16 PM - 31 Jan 2019
James Brewster
People are #hired for what they know and #fired for who they are.
#SaturdayMotivation #KeepGoing #KeepGrowing
6:34 AM - 16 Mar 2019 from Denver, CO
andrew mboya
Consider that most people are hired for what they know but fired for who they are. Make sure who you are fits where you want to go #Forbes #90DayCareerDiet
3:53 AM - 20 Mar 2019
Nick Galatis
You get hired for what you know and fired for who you are.
#hiringtips #hiringinfo #dontbealittlebitch #100hourworkweekismywarmup
1:19 PM - 7 Apr 2019