Peanutzi or Peanazi (peanut + Nazi)

“Peanutzi” or “peanazi” (peanut + Nazi) is a term— similar to “feminazi” (feminist + Nazi)—that describes a militant anti-peanut activist. Some people suffer from a peanut allergy, but a “peanutzi” (or “peanazi”) insists that peanuts be removed from all foods at all places, preventing also people without the allergy from having peanuts.
“Peanazis” was used by conservative blogger Debbie Schlussel on October 16, 2013. “The Peanutzis - or is it, PeaNazis - are uhinged & waging jihad on me b/c I wrote this” was written by Schlussel on Twitter on October 17, 2013.
October 16, 2013, - 7:01 pm
ABSURD: Big Ten Football Game to Be “Peanut Free” in PC Deference to Peanut Allergies
By Debbie Schlussel
The jihad on peanuts is growing.
Remember the days when peanut allergies were unheard of, and you could still eat peanuts on an airplane or in a public school? Well, suddenly every single precious kid in the world developed allegedly deadly allergies. And as part of the peanutty political correctness, the legumes–roasted, salted, or otherwise–are not only off the menu at those places, but also now banned from a Big Ten football game.
If you have to be that much of a peanut Nazi in order to live, here’s a tip: Don’t. Go. To. The. Game.
And I view these Peanazis with the same disdain (though the peanut allergists don’t fly planes into buildings, shoot up Army bases, and try to blow up Americans with underwear and shoes). They want all of us to change our lifestyles and bend over for them.
Debbie Schlussel
The Peanutzis - or is it, PeaNazis - are uhinged & waging jihad on me b/c I wrote this:  #tcot #gop #foodpolice #nuts
3:00 PM - 17 Oct 2013
October 24, 2013, - 4:05 pm
ABSURD: Publick Skool Food Nazis Did WHAT?! To Your Kids Over Politically Incorrect Lunches; Removed From Cafeteria Over Sugar
By Debbie Schlussel
Remember the good old days, when parents could pack their kids’ lunches without worrying about running afoul of the food police? Those days are over. And it’s not just that parents can’t give their kids a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich (this will raise the hackles of the Peanutzis and their treasured, “special” peanut-allegic kids AND it’s in a plastic bag, which isn’t biodegradable–another “crime”)
October 29, 2014, - 1:05 pm
HILARIOUS VIDEO!: Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Liberal Peanutzi Food Police
By Debbie Schlussel
It’s been a very long time since I posted a video from “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” because the monologue part of the show and the skits have been lame and unfunny for a while. But, last night, a rare, brilliant, absolutely hilarious exception: the Kimmel show had two actors impersonate left-wing peanutzi (my name for the anti-peanut Nazis) activists, who are circulating a petition to remove the line “Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks” from “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” in order to help their peanut-allergic, non-existent son, Landon.