Our Savior Has Arrived (Occupational Safety & Health Administration or OSHA nickname)
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) was created in the Occupational Health and Safety Act signed into law on December 20, 1970, to issue and enforce standards for workplace safety and health. Some safety managers and workers welcome OSHA, believing that its attention will improve workplace conditions. Others do not welcome OSHA, believing it will cite small violations that will disrupt work.
The OSHA nickname “Our Savior Has Arrived” (or, in the less frequent spelling, “Our Saviour Has Arrived”) has been cited in print since at least 1975.
The OSHA nickname Oh Shoot, Here Again” (or “Oh Shit, Here Again”) has been cited in print since at least 1993.
Wikipedia: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an agency of the United States Department of Labor. It was created by Congress of the United States under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, signed by President Richard M. Nixon, on December 30, 1970. Its mission is to prevent work-related injuries, illnesses, and occupational fatality by issuing and enforcing standards for workplace safety and health. The agency is headed by a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor.
The OSH Act which created OSHA also created the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as a research agency focusing on occupational health and safety. NIOSH is not a part of the U.S. Department of Labor.
OSHA federal regulations cover most private sector workplaces. The OSH Act permits states to develop approved plans as long as they cover public sector employees and they provide protection equivalent to that provided under Federal OSHA regulations. In return, a portion of the cost of the approved state program is paid by the federal government. Twenty-two states and territories operate plans covering both the public and private sectors and five — Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, New York and the US Virgin Islands — operate public employee only plans. In those five states, private sector employment remains under Federal OSHA jurisdiction.
Google Books
Marine engineering/log
Volume 80
Pg. 29:
Spokesmen in several yards bantered that OSHA really stood for “Our Saviour Has Arrived” because “top management is paying attention to safety.”
Google Books
Production Systems:
Planning, analysis, and control
By Jim Riggs
Santa Barbara, CA: Wiley
Pg. 263:
Some company safety officers interpret OSHA as “Our Savior Has Arrived.”
Google Books
Classics of Personnel Management
By Thomas H. Patten
Oak Park, IL: Moore
Pg. 444:
In some large companies, the safety directors privately refer to OSHA’s initials as “Our Savior Has Arrived”; their reference, of course, is to the fact that top management is now paying more attention to their views than ever before.
Google Books
OSHA Compliance and Management Handbook
By Charleston C. K. Wang
Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Publications
Pg. 1:
The four letter alphabet mix, O.S.H.A., stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Some persons insist it stands for something like “Oh Shoot, Here Again?!” Others, being more in need of enforcement help from the government, believe that it stands for “Our Savior Has Arrived.”
Google Groups: sci.environment
Newsgroups: sci.environment
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Sylvia S. Tognetti)
Date: 31 Aug 1993 04:48:58 GMT
Local: Mon, Aug 30 1993 11:48 pm
Subject: Re: env. aphorisms
NRC = Nobody Really Cares
DOE = Died of Exposure
OSHA = Our Savior Has Arrived
TMI = They Melted It
Red Power Magazine Community
Posted 01 June 2007 - 07:07 AM
OSHA= Our Savior Has Arrived
or: Oh Sh_t Here Again
MG Experience Forums
Posted: October 18, 2008 05:49PM
OSHA has its legitimate name: Occupational Safety and Health Admistration, and the more practical name Our Savior Has Arrived.