“Our aim is to keep this restroom clean. Your aim will help” (men’s restroom sign)

A jocular sign placed near the urinals in many men’s restrooms is:
“Our aim is to keep this restroom clean. Your aim will help.”
“Our aim is to keep this place clean: your aim will help” was cited in print in 1970. “Our aim is to keep the toilets clean; your aim will help!” was cited in 1973.
Google Books
How Many Roads?:
The ‘70s

By Herman A. Estrin and Esther McDonald Lloyd-Jones
Beverly Hills, CA: Glencoe Press
Pg. 159:
THINK SEX is likely to be followed by a lengthy exhortation, “Our aim is to keep this place clean: your aim will help,” or this written philosophic acceptance, found on the John wall of a Westport, Conn., suburban station.
Google Books
The Kikuchi Diary: Chronicle from an American Concentration Camp
The Tanforan journals of Charles Kikuchi

By Charles Kikuchi
Edited by John Modell
Urbana, IL: Univiversity of Illinois Press
Pg. 77:
Typical Nisei humor: “Our aim is to keep the toilets clean; your aim will help!”
Google Books
It’s Time to Retire When—
By Herbert I. Kavet and Martin Riskin
Watertown, MA: Ivory Tower Pub. Co.
Pg. ?:
Our Aim Is To Keep This Bathroom Clean, Your Aim Will Help.
Google Books
The Burning Lake
By Jon M. Thurley
London: Bodley Head
Pg. 105:
Under the cistern some wag had written: ‘Our aim is to keep this place clean, your aim helps’, and another legend read, ‘The management should provide the users of these facilities with braille fly-buttons.’
Google Books
Coopers Crossing
By Jennifer Crane
Pg. 240:
Cheryl was in Muddy’s bathroom reading the “Our Aim Is To Keep This Place Clean - Your Aim Will Help!” sign when she heard Barbi giggling like she always did when she was doing something bad.
nigel koay
Our aim is to keep the restroom clean gentleman! Your aim will help! (Pic taken at neighbourhood cafe)
6:30 PM - 21 Feb 2014
Judah & the Lion
“Our aim is to keep this bathroom clean. Your aim would help.” -men’s restroom
1:02 PM - 6 Jul 2014