“Orange juice got the nickname ‘OJ,’ but apple juice didn’t get the nickname ‘AJ’”

“Why do people call Orange Juice ‘OJ’, but never call Apple Juice ‘AJ’?” was posted on Twitter on February 7, 2008. One reason is that “orange juice” has two “J” sounds that are somewhat difficult to pronounce. Another reason is that professional football player Orenthal James “O. J.” Simpson (nicknamed “The Juice”) helped to popularize “OJ.”
“Why is it that we call orange juice, OJ, but we don’t call apple juice, AJ?” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on July 8, 2014.
Justus Thane
Why do people call Orange Juice ‘OJ’, but never call Apple Juice ‘AJ’?
3:39 PM - 7 Feb 2008
Why do we call orange juice OJ but we don’t call apple juice AJ?
11:02 AM - 11 Nov 2008
Leo Susana
how come we call orange juice OJ and apple juice doesn’t get an AJ
4:55 AM - 9 Mar 2009
Rita Meade
Overheard Kid Quote of the Day: “They call orange juice ‘OJ.’ Why don’t they call apple juice ‘AJ’? I’m going to start doing that.”
4:10 PM - 10 Nov 2010
If orange juice is also called oj….why don’t we call apple juice aj? #unansweredquestions
12:02 PM - 17 Jul 2011
Cait Leary
Question for the day - Whhyyyy do we call orange juice OJ… but we don’t call apple juice AJ… -CL http://tmblr.co/ZBZs2yDFyZLb
3:28 PM - 14 Dec 2011
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Why is it that we call orange juice, OJ, but we don’t call apple juice, AJ?
submitted July 8, 2014 by Jimb0tron
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Why do we call orange juice “OJ”, yet we don’t call apple juice “AJ”?
submitted August 23, 2014 by Westbrook_Level
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
If we call orange juice OJ, why don’t we call apple juice AJ?
submitted November 7, 2014 by Infiltrated
Reddit—explain like I’m five
ELI5: Why do we call Orange Juice “OJ” but don’t call Apple Juice “AJ”?
submitted December 14, 2014 by answermepleasepoopie
Or any other Juice by their initials? Why is Orange Juice so damn special.
Fuck it, I’m taking it back. From this day forward Apple Juice will be called AJ so says Answermepleasepoopie.
I think it is to do with the “-ge” of the Orange melding into the “J-” of the Juice which gives it almost a clumsy feel when spoken out loud.
OJ is two distinct sounds which are copmlimented nicely by the shape of the mouth.
Apple Juice has no such clashing syllables.
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Most people refer to Orange Juice as OJ but not other juices as such i.e. Apple Juice=AJ or Grape Juice=GJ
submitted February 17, 2015 by OpportunityKnox
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Orange juice got the nickname “OJ” but Apple Juice didn’t get the nickname “AJ”.
submitted March 30, 2018 by alwaysMCR