“Once you get rid of integrity, the rest is a piece of cake” (J.R. on Dallas tv series)
“Once you get rid of integrity, the rest is a piece of cake” was Larry Hagman’s favorite line on the long-running television series Dallas. He played mean old J. R. Ewing.
Wikipedia: Dallas (TV series)
Dallas was a highly popular, long-running American prime-time television soap opera that originally ran from 1978 to 1991. It revolved around the Ewing family, a wealthy Texas family in the oil and cattle-ranching businesses. The show debuted in April 1978 as a five-part miniseries on the CBS network, then was broadcast on that network for 13 seasons, from Saturday, September 23, 1978, to Friday, May 3, 1991.
Dallas was one of the most successful drama series ever made, and also one of the longest-running shows in American prime-time television history.
Jessica in Washington asks Do you have a favorite lines?
Larry Hagman - Once you get rid of integrity the rest is a piece of cake
Cult | News | 01 November 2004
JR talks
Larry Hagman looks back at playing TV’s most-loved baddie.
Today’s Metro, the commuter-friendly newspaper, features an interview with Larry Hagman in which he recalls working on Eighties super soap Dallas.
Larry reveals that his favourite line from the series was, “Once you get rid of integrity, the rest is a piece of cake.”
Google Books
Hello Darlin’:
Tall (and Absolutely True) Tales about My Life
by Larry Hagman with Todd Gold
New York: Simon and Schuster
Pg. 189:
In truth, Dallas was a simplistic view of what people imagined Texas oil families were like. We simply indulged that stereotype and made greed, treachery, and blackmail seem like good, sexy, all-American fun. As J.R. said, “Once you get rid of integrity, the rest is a piece of cake.”