Old York Times (New York Times nickname)

The New York Times is a newspaper that has been pubished in New York City since 1851. Conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage believes that the newspaper has an old, tired liberal slant, and has nicknamed the newspaper Old York Times on air and in his books, such as The Savage Nation (2002).

The nickname Old York Times has been used by others, but mostly by conservative Savage listeners.
Other Times nicknames include “Gray Lady,” “Jew York Times,”  “New Duranty Times,” “New York Crimes,” “New York Slimes,” “New York Times-Democrat,” “New Yuck Times,” “Pravda on the Hudson” and “Toilet Paper of Record.”
Wikipedia: The New York Times
The New York Times (NYT) is an American daily newspaper, founded and continuously published in New York City since September 18, 1851. It has won 112 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other news organization.
The paper’s print version remains the largest local metropolitan newspaper in the United States and third-largest newspaper overall, behind The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Following industry trends, its weekday circulation has fallen to fewer than one million daily since 1990. Nicknamed for years as “The Gray Lady”, “The New York Times” is long regarded within the industry as a national “newspaper of record”. It is owned by The New York Times Company. Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., now in its fifth generation whose family (Ochs-Sulzberger) has controlled the paper since 1896, is both the paper’s publisher and the company’s chairman.
Conservapedia: Michael Savage
Michael Savage lexicon
New York Times
Old York Times
Google Books
The Savage Nation:
Saving America from the Liberal Assault on Our Borders, Language, and Culture

By Michael Savage
Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers
Pg. 51:
The same headline, if run today in the Old York Times, would probably read: “War Effort Suffers from Lack of Diversity.”
Google Groups: alt.politics.democrats
to the fans of Michael Savage
Alric Knebel
HE calls The New York Times the OLD York Times, as if that’s a besmirching comment.  What if it was The OLD York Times?  What does that mean? 
Google Groups: alt.sports.football.pro.ny-jets
The Old York Times. Liberal fucking rag not worth the paper its printed on.
Google Books
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder:
Savage Solutions

By Michael Savage
Nashville, TN: Nelson Current (THomas Nelson, Inc.)
Old York Times: the once-great Gray Lady, deflowered by “Pinchy” Sulzberger’s juvenile worldview
Google Books
The Angry Right:
Why Conservatives Keep Getting It Wrong

By S. T. Joshi
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books
Pg. 269:
And the best he (Michael Savage—ed.) can do for the hated New York Times is to call it the Old York Times. He must have been working on that for several days.
Google Groups: alt.slack
The Death of the NY Times, and with it, Stupid White Liberalism like Modemac
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
The old york times is going bankrupt, and they are never going to recover. Their death signals the death knell of stupid white liberalism such as that espoused by obese diabetic old leftist cranks like modemac.
Google Books
Trickle Up Poverty:
Stopping Obama’s Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security

By Michael Savage
New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers
Pg. 24:
The Old York Times is nothing more than a government organ of the House of Obama.
@DennisDMZ Yep, the “Old York Times” (Michael Savage), is no longer viable & resembles a wobbling old skeleton on the way to the graveyard.
12:18 PM - 5 May 2012