“Old money whispers, new money shouts”

“Money talks” (meaning that money has influence) is an old financial saying, cited in print in various forms to before 1700. “Old money whispers, new money shouts/screams/yells” is a modern money proverb. “Old money” doesn’t have to prove anything; a person who achieves “new money” often wants to show it off, shouting, screaming or yelling.
The saying has appeared in print since at least Margaret Atwood’s The Robber Bride (1993):
“Old money whispers, new money shouts: one of the lessons Roz thought she had to learn, once.”
“Money talks, wealth whispers” is a similar saying.
Google Books
The Robber Bride
By Margaret Atwood
New York, NY: Nan A. Talese/Doubleday
Pg. 96:
Old money whispers, new money shouts: one of the lessons Roz thought she had to learn, once.
31 March 1995, South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL), “Nouveau Chateau Delray Beach Home” by Carol Lewis, pg. 1E:
It has been said that new money shouts, old money whispers.
Google Books
Perils of Wisdom
By Bill Halligan
Lincoln, NE” iUniverse.com, Inc.
Pg. 293:
New money shouts,
Old money whispers.
New money is clean shaven,
Old has whiskers.
Google Goups: alt.quotations
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From: “~~seadancer~~”

Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 03:03:09 -0500
Local: Sun, Dec 31 2006 3:03 am
Subject: Re: Money
“Old money whispers, new money shouts… nervous money, bad-taste money, chip-on-the-shoulder money.”
-p. 96 “The Robber Bride” by Margaret Atwood, 1993, pocketbook edition
Expat Singapore
old money
Re: Sentosa Cove
« Reply #3 on: 15 March 2008, 23:11:09 PM »
Old money whispers, new money screams….
Tuesday 22nd December 2009  
I still exists, as they say, Old money whispers, new money shouts.

I suppose you can think of it in terms of people where the novelty of being rich hasn’t worn off, and they feel they need to let everyone know in extreme bad taste!
Best Days
Old money whispers, new money yells
1:08 PM - 1 Mar 13