“Oh my God, a talking sausage!” (joke)

“The sausage joke”—as the joke is sometimes called—is really an anti-joke:
“Two sausages are frying in a pan. One sausage says, ‘Boy, it sure is hot in here.’ The other one responds, ‘Oh my God! A talking sausage!’”
The joke has been cited in print since at least 1990, and it has been printed on many images. “Oh my God, a talking muffin!” is another version of the joke.
Google Groups: eunet.jokes
Ken Johnson
A piece of bacon and a sausage are in a frying pan being cooked.  The sausage says ``It’s hot in here, isn’t it!’‘, and the bacon replies
``Wow! A talking sausage!’‘.
Google Groups: rec.humor
Funky stuff - part 16
Henry Cate VIII
A piece of bacon and a sausage are in a frying pan being cooked.  The sausage says ``It’s hot in here, isn’t it!’‘, and the bacon replies
``Wow! A talking sausage!’‘.
Google Groups: k12.ed.comp.literacy
Computer programming class
Richard Morrison
And I have a strange sense of humor!
There were two sausages in an oven and one rolls over to the other and says
>Man its hot in here!!!!!
and the other one said
> WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a talking sausage!
Google Groups: alt.tasteless.jokes
talking sausage
Jason O. Stanfield
This bacon and this sausage were sitting in this frying pan.
The bacon suddenly says, ‘Gee, it sure is hot in here.’
The sausage replies, ‘No kiddin’‘.  The bacon yells, ‘AHHH! Talking sausage!’
28 January 2001, The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA), “28 things you should know by 28” by Jeff Girod, pg. F6:
9. Know at least two clean jokes. Here’s one: Two sausages are frying in a pan. One sausage turns to the other and says “Boy, it sure is hot in here.” The other sausage screams “OH MY GOSH A TALKING SAUSAGE!”
6 January 2002, Mail on Sunday (London, UK), “Jokes,” pg. 73:
Two sausages are sizzling in a pan. One says to the other: ‘It’s really hot in here, isn’t it?’
The other one screams: ‘Aargh! It’s a talking sausage.’
Google Books
Lucy in the Sky
By Paige Toon
London, UK: Simon & Schusgter UK Ltd
Pg. ?:
‘Two sausages in a frying pan. One of them says, “Blimey, it’s hot in here!” And the other one says, “Shit! A talking sausage!’”
Google Books
The VERY Embarrassing Book of Dad Jokes:
Because your dad thinks he’s hilarious

By Ian Allen
London, UK: Portico Books
Pg. ?:
A sausage and a rasher of bacon were in a frying pan and the sausage said, ‘Gosh, it’s hot in here,’ and the bacon said, ‘Wow, a talking sausage!’
Google Books
Happy Smile:
Jokes for Kids

By Adam Smith
Lulu Publishing (Lulu.com)
Pg. ?:
Two sausages were sizzling in a pan, one sausage turns to the other and says, “it’s hot in here!” The other sausage replies, “Hey a talking sausage!”
Two sausages in a frying pan; one says, “Blimey, it’s hot in here,” and the other replies, “ARGH! A TALKING SAUSAGE!!” (self.oneliners)
submitted August 20, 2017 by Timmargh