Occupier (Occupy Wall Street participant)
The Occupy Wall Street movement began on September 17, 2011 with protests at New York City’s Zuccotti Park. Other cities throughout the world began their own “Occupy” movements.
The name “Occupier” or “occupier” for a participant in an “Occupy” protest has been cited in print since at least September 14, 2011.
Wikipedia: Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is an ongoing series of demonstrations in New York City based in Zuccotti Park in the Wall Street financial district. The protests were initiated by the Canadian activist group Adbusters. They are mainly protesting social and economic inequality, corporate greed, corporate power and influence over government (particularly from the financial services sector), and of lobbyists. The participants’ slogan “We are the 99%” refers to the difference in wealth between the top 1% and the other citizens of the United States.
The movement has been criticized for having no goals or formal demands. However, others have seen the movement as a democratic awakening, difficult to formulate into a few demands and at the present time, with growth as its primary goal. On October 15, the Occupy Wall Street Demands Working Group, published a declaration of demands, goals, and solutions.
By October 9, similar demonstrations were either ongoing or had been held in 70 major cities and over 600 communities in the U.S., including the estimated 100,000 people who demonstrated on October 15. Internationally, other “Occupy” protests have modeled themselves after Occupy Wall Street, in over 900 cities worldwide.
The Free Dictionary
oc·cu·py (ky-p)
tr.v. oc·cu·pied, oc·cu·py·ing, oc·cu·pies
1. To fill up (time or space): a lecture that occupied three hours.
2. To dwell or reside in.
3. To hold or fill (an office or position).
4. To seize possession of and maintain control over by or as if by conquest.
5. To engage or employ the attention or concentration of: occupied the children with coloring books.
occu·pier n.
To The Sep17 Occupiers “Moneyman”
Posted by Lupe Fiasco September 14, 2011
Hey Moneyman the crowd is outside. The past, the future and the now is outside. The teachers and cooks and the drop-outs too. Word on the street is they looking for you…
Maggie’s Notebook
Us Day of Rage, Occupy Wall Street: ACORN, SEIU, Robin Hood Tax, New Constitution
September 15, 2011
By Maggie
So what will the “occupiers” do about that on standing around on sidewalks.
New York (NY) Observer
Occupy Wall Street’s Media Problems
By Kat Stoeffel 9/26 8:59am
“Listen, I’d love to talk to you about this more later, but right now there’s a line of people,” he said, gesturing toward The Observer and the young man beside us in a name tag that said Occupier Justin.
WNYC Culture
Vlad, The Wall Street Occupier
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
By Jennifer Hsu
Ten years ago, Vlad Teichberg was a derivatives trader on Wall Street. Today, he is one of many protesters who have set up camp downtown to demonstrate against Wall Street and all it stands for.
September 29, 2011 at 14:00:33
Wall Street Occupiers in for the Long Haul
NEW YORK—The members of Occupy Wall Street are not allowed to use megaphones, so they’ve adopted a low-tech workaround. At their twice-daily general meetings in Zuccotti Park in Manhattan’s financial district, whoever has an announcement to make speaks slowly and clearly, with a pause every few seconds, so that everyone within earshot of the speaker can repeat back what he or she just said—amplifying it for the crowd of hundreds to hear.
FOX Nation
October 22, 2011
Occupy Wall Street: At Zuccotti Park, Conflict Arises Among Occupiers
By Craig Kanalley, Huffington Post
Events at Zuccotti Park, the epicenter of the Occupy Wall Street movement in Lower Manhattan, have become increasingly dramatic in recent days, as egos have clashed, visions competed, and the unity of the protesters has been questioned.