“Nothing is as effective as homeopathy”

Various medical associations have concluded that homeopathy (an alternative medicine) is not effective. “Nothing is as effective as homeopathy” is a saying that was posted on Twitter by lesmondine on April 24, 2009. and on Twitter by Rosie on February 3, 2010.
“Nothing is as effective as homeopathy” was posted on Twitter by British comedian Peter Serafinowicz on August 19, 2014.
Wikipedia: Homeopathy
Homeopathy or homœopathy is a pseudoscientific system of alternative medicine. It was created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. Its practitioners, called homeopaths, believe that a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people; this doctrine is called similia similibus curentur, or “like cures like”. Homeopathic preparations are termed remedies and are made using a process of homeopathic dilution, in which a chosen substance is repeatedly diluted in alcohol or water, typically until nothing of the original substance remains in the product. Practitioners select remedies by consulting reference books known as repertories, and claim that these remedies, upon oral intake, can treat or cure disease.
Despite the claims by the practitioners, homeopathic preparations are not effective for treating any medical condition. Besides the fact that the remedies have no active content and thus no plausible biophysical effect, the theory of disease that underlies homeopathy is inconsistent with all relevant scientific knowledge about physics, chemistry, biochemistry and biology, and has been so since the mid-19th century.
Also, on a different note, settle debate with an altie with a mutually satisfying retort: “nothing is as effective as homeopathy”
2:44 PM · Apr 24, 2009·Twitter SMS
Nothing is as effective as homeopathy. 😊
12:30 PM · Feb 3, 2010·Twitter Web Client
D. Creemer
‘Nothing is as effective as homeopathy.’
3:45 AM · Feb 4, 2010·Twitter Web Client
Peter Serafinowicz
Nothing is as effective as homeopathy.
6:13 AM · Aug 19, 2014·Tweetlogix
Posted by u/eninc August 19, 2014
Nothing is as effective as homeopathy
-Peter Serafinowicz
Martin Williams
Nothing is as effective as homeopathy
1:53 PM · Jan 30, 2016·Twitter Web Client
Posted by u/porichoygupto December 23, 2018
Nothing is as effective as homeopathy.
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Uncle John’s Lists That Make You Go Hmmm…:
An Essential Collection of Obscure Trivia and Bizarre Facts

By Bathroom Readers’ Institute
Ashland, OR: The Bathroom Readers’ Institute
Pg. 282:
PETER SERAFINOWICZ, British comedian
“Nothing is as effective as homeopathy.”
Posted by u/porichoygupto November 30, 2019
Nothing is as effective as homeopathy.