“Not all Republicans are racists, but all racists are Republicans”

“Not all Republicans are racists, but all racists are Republicans” is an anti-Republican political line said by some Democrats. “Not all Republicans are racists, but nearly all racists are Republicans” was cited in print in December 2005.
The line came into frequent use during the presidency of Barack Obama. “Not all Republicans are racists, but if you are racist, you are likely a Republican” was said in May 2010 by political comedian Bill Maher.
“Not all Democrats are felons, but most felons are Democrats” is a similar saying.
Happy Boxing Day
by Goldy, 12/26/2005, 12:48 PM
21. Roger Rabbit spews:
Not all Republicans are racists, but nearly all racists are Republicans.
12/26/2005 AT 3:50 PM
December 14, 2005
Rove To Be Indicted?
Your right Noah-JayDee didn’t work out his Venn diagrams well enough and hence fell for the fallacy of the undistributed middle.
Not all Republicans are racists-but all racists are Republicans.
Posted by: Cheez-Wiz | December 14, 2005 at 02:28 PM
Pinpointing Racism at the Texas Republican Convention
Posted on Jun 17, 2008
By Thomas Mc, June 18, 2008 at 6:53 am
Not all Republicans are racists, but most racists are Republicans.
The Orange Juice Blog
Are Republicans racist
El Grande
Posted March 24, 2010 at 4:05 PM
In a word, Yes. That is, NOT all Republicans are racists, but ALL racists ARE Republicans.
Larry Gilbert
Posted March 24, 2010 at 8:06 PM
El Grande.
Hate to break your pinata but I do know some Democrats who are racist.
Yes, there surely are racist Republicans but not every one of us fits that description
Matt on a carphone
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Why the NFL SUCKS, part II
I have held that this statement is true: “Not all Republicans are racists, but pretty much all racists are Republicans.” It would be really hard to argue that, even a republican. And PLEASE spare me with the radical left-wing bullshit—it’s a fact that 99% of all modern-day, redneck racists, with confederate sympathies vote fucking republican. OK.
The Raw Story
Maher: ‘If you are racist, you’re probably a Republican’
Sunday, May 2, 2010 13:06 EDT
Not all Republicans are racists, but racists are more than likely to be Republicans, according to comedian Bill Maher.
“Government intrusion, you know government power, is something that really bothers conservatives unless it’s directed at people that are not white. It seems like there is something like that going on there,” Maher said on ABC Sunday.
Jeffrey Lebowski
LMAO. Bill Maher - “Not All Republicans are Racists, but if you are Racist,  you are likely a Republican”.  http://bit.ly/cG3FnQ
12:24 PM - 2 May 2010
Not all republicans are racists, but all racists are republicans. (Probably a fact)
5:01 PM - 6 Nov 2010
@Manicdj99 @cspanwj
Not all republicans are racists but all racists are republican pic.twitter.com/onfaPd5MGN
10:34 PM - 17 Jan 2014