“No sweet without sweat”

Entry in progress—B.P.
Google Books
A Dictionary
English, German and French (Third Edition)

By Christian Ludwig
Leipzig: Printed for John Frederick Gleditsch
Pg. 873:
No sweet without sweat, ...
Google Books
Proverbs, Chiefly Taken from the Adagia of Erasmus with Explanations
By Robert Bland
London: Printed for T. Egerton, Military Library, Whitehall
Pg. 47:
“No hay dulzura, sin sudor,” no sweet, without sweat. ” No hay ganancia, sin fatiga,” no gains, without pains; and “El que trabaja y madra, hila oro,” he who labours and strives, spins gold.
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8:50 AM - 3 Dec 2015