“No one rules if no one obeys”

“No one rules if no one obeys” is a political saying that has been printed on many images.  “‘No one rules if no one obeys.’ TaoDo” was posted on Twitter by Ralph Tegtmeier on February 22, 2009. The saying probably originated with this image.
“‘No one rules if no one obeys.’ ~ David Icke” was posted on Twitter by Gordana Biernat on October 28, 2014. “David Icke’s Official Forums: ‘Remember This - no one rules if no one obeys’” was posted on Twitter by Trucks Guns & Libert later on October 28, 2014. English author David Icke popularized the saying, but did not originate it.
Ralph Tegtmeier
Replying to @drmcdean
@missmcj “No one rules if no one obeys.” TaoDo
8:15 PM · Feb 22, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Sven Lito
no one rules if no one obeys http://tumblr.com/xvr2c73p3
8:21 AM · Jul 14, 2009·Twitter Web Client
no one rules if no one obeys http://bit.ly/2kYkbK
1:47 PM · Oct 12, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Silver Surfer
“No one Rules if no one Obeys”. My message to the New World Order old farts that are trying to enslave the People. LET`S WAKE UP THE MASS!
7:21 PM · Jan 23, 2010·Twitter Web Client
“No one rules if no one obeys.”—

4:04 PM · Apr 25, 2010·Twitter
Darren Fisher
I liked a YouTube video—No one rules (if no one obeys) - audio by Simonoke http://youtu.be/TD_5DB_SIN4?a
6:31 AM · May 1, 2010·Google
Gordana Biernat
“No one rules if no one obeys.” ~ David Icke
5:48 PM · Oct 28, 2014·Twitter for iPad
mungo’s mouthpiece
“No one Rules If No one Obeys!” >>David Icke Exposes The Archon Conspiracy And The Crumbling Matrix | Neon Nettle http://neonnettle.com/features/363-david-icke-exposes-the-archon-conspiracy-and-the-crumbling-matrix#.VFArBWP95Eo.twitter
7:47 PM · Oct 28, 2014·Twitter for Websites
Trucks Guns & Libert
David Icke’s Official Forums: “Remember This - no one rules if no one obeys” http://google.com/newsstand/s/CAIiSENBRVNNSFJoWnpwbmIyOW5iR1V1WTI5dExESXdNRFU2Y21WaFpHVnlMMmwwWlcwdk16UmlZbUU0WkRFNE1XVTNZekExTmlnQSqBAQgEIhDUHYzZjwCyBOmACZjs-EJ-KmsIACIQ1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfipVCAoiT0NBRVNOV2gwZEhBNkx5OTNkM2N1WkdGMmFXUnBZMnRsTG1OdmJTOW1iM0oxYlM5bGVIUmxjbTVoYkM1d2FIQV9kSGx3WlQxU1UxTXlLQUFQAVAB
8:09 PM · Oct 28, 2014·Twitter for Android
DAVID ICKE : “Remember this: No one rules if no one obeys.” http://outofthisworldx.wordpress.com/2014/10/30/david-icke-remember-this-no-one-rules-if-no-one-obeys/
3:50 PM · Oct 30, 2014·Twitter Web Client
Google Groups: free.pt
David Icke - Awaken (2014) | Cryptonomy
Jun 30, 2015, 8:39:07 AM
One of the world’s most loved and mocked public figures; the former BBC TV sports presenter, author and speaker, David Icke, has come a long way since that infamous Wogan interview of 1991, achieving something of a cult status if Saturday’s marathon Wembley performance is anything to go by.
“Remember this: No one rules if no one obeys.” The audience adored him, and when tears came to his eyes, they loved him even more.
Hospitality Net
11 August 2020
Thinking for Yourself May Be the Only Regimen for a Full Recovery - Part III
By Steven Ferry, Chairman International Institute of Modern Butlers
“No one rules if no one obeys.” - David Icke.
Inside The Candle
Hey Shut Down Totalitarian States.
No one rules if no one obeys
David Icke
1:22 PM · Nov 22, 2020·Twitter for Android