“No one man is the movement” (“No one man can stop the movement”)

“No One Man Is The Movement Therefore No One Man Can Stop It” was the title of a YouTube video on February 26, 2014, on the channel of TeamWakeemUP. The “movement” refers to the truth movement that questions the United States government possible false flag actions on such things as 9-11, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings and the Boston Marathon bombings. No one person (or media source) represents or controls the truth, so no one can stop the truth.
The video was widely seen. Red Pill Revolution’s “Exposing The Fake Truth Movement” YouTube video on March 12, 2014, cited the saying.
No One Man Is The Movement Therefore No One Man Can Stop It
Published on Feb 26, 2014
No One Man Is The Truth Movement Therefore No One Man Can Stop It
I’m Sick of Seeing This Same Pattern…There is a War for Your Mind #NotHavingIt
Jon Luther Kang
I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/lis4A6g1P48?a  No One Man Is The Movement Therefore No One Man Can Stop It
1:41 AM - 27 Feb 2014
Max Malone
“No One Man Is The Movement Therefore No One Man Can Stop It” http://maxresistance.com/no-one-man-is-the-movement-therefore-no-one-man-can-stop-it/
2:37 AM - 27 Feb 2014
Exposing The Fake Truth Movement
Red Pill Revolution
Published on Mar 12, 2014
7:53: “The movement—as ReviewManify puts it—no one man is the movement and therefore no one man can stop the movement. This is true. This is very true. And the movement will continue and all these fakes are going to be left behind.”