“No justice, no peace, no racist police!”

“No justice, no peace!” has been cited in print since 1987 and was popularized by American Baptist minister and civil rights activist Al Sharpton. “No justice, no peace, no racist police!” is a protest often made after a police action (such as a beating or a shooting) and has been cited in print since at least 1995.
12 September 1995, Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL) “Protesters seek ‘justice’ in death of homeless man” by Jim Allen, sec. 1, pg. 5, col. 1:
Shouting, “No justice, no peace, no racist police,” the protesters packed the plaza of the state-owned James R. Thompson Center before marching to the Dirksen Federal Building with a police escort.
Google Groups: alt.thebird.copwatch
- Pigs Kill Two, You Know, Self-Defense -
- OFR -

By Todd Light and Gary Marx,
Tribune Staff Writers. Tribune staff writer Terry Wilson contributed to this report.
June 08, 1999
Three days after a Chicago police officer killed a young woman, questions continued to swirl around the shooting—which sparked an angry protest at City Hall Monday as authorities continued their investigation.
The protesters, led by Rev. Paul Jakes, were stopped by police outside Daley’s outer office doors. They chanted, “No justice. No peace. No racist police.”
Google Books
Z Magazine
Institute for Social and Cultural Communications
Volume 13, Issues 7-11  
Pg. 22:
“No Justice/No peace/ No racist police.”
Google News Archive
21 September 2007, Daily News (Kingsport, TN), “Civil rights protesters converge on town” by Matthew Bigg (Reuters),  pg. 4, col. 2:
Some held banners reading “Free the Jena 6” chanted “no justice, no peace, no racist police,” “while others ‘lounged lawn chairs or took ‘pictures’ of each other.
Google Books
Public Culture: Diversity, Democracy, and Community in the United States
By Marguerite S. Shaffer
Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press
Pp. 299-300:
If you listened carefully, you could hear the echo of other urban voices: from 1884, when thousands of Cincinnati workers took to the streets chanting “True justice, true justice, true justice”; from 2001, when crowds called: “No justice, no peace, no racist police.”
No Justice, No Peace, No Racist Police!
Published on Jul 29, 2012
A demonstration by Mecha de UNLV and associated groups, including OccupyLV, on Fremont Street in Las Vegas, NV. against the institutionalization of racial profiling that was created by SB 1070’s passage in Arizona and attempts to pass similar legislation throughout the country. This demonstration was held in solidarity with the student movement in México, #YoSoy132, fighting against corruption within the Mexican government and recent election irregularities and the poor economic conditions that are created by that corruption.
Language Log
No justice, no peace
July 15, 2013 @ 10:13 am · Filed by Ben Zimmer under ambiguity, Language and politics
Ben said,
July 19, 2013 @ 6:13 pm
I think the statement clearly means “without justice, there can be no peace.”
But I’ve heard this completely garbled in the chant “No justice, no peace, no racist police!” That one never made any sense to me. (You don’t want any of those things? Or without justice you can’t have peace or racist police?)
10 Dec 2014 05:17
No justice, no peace, no racist police. #berkeleyprotests
Berkeley, CA
Following China news from Berkeley, CA. Exec. Editor of China Digital Times.
web t.co/PFfL0qkYac
Alex Millard
Feb 13 2015
No justice, no peace, no racist police! #TB #reclaimmlk #shutitdown #philly
NBC7 (San Diego, CA)
San Diegans March in Solidarity With Baltimore Protesters
By Andie Adams and Liberty Zabala
Updated at 7:58 AM PDT on Thursday, Apr 30, 2015
Demonstrators in San Diego are taking action in solidarity with Baltimore protesters, organizing a march of their own Wednesday evening.
Chanting “No justice, no peace, no racist police,” the groups say the issues in Baltimore mirror those faced in San Diego.