New York of the South

Atlanta was known as the "New York of the South" from the 1870s, but the title was also sometimes given to Charleston or New Orleans.

7 March 1850, National Era (Washington, DC), pg. 41:
If he can get Maryland, he will make Baltimore the New York of the South.

25 February 1856, New York Daily Times, pg. 1:
That the South will acquiesce in it, whatever the violent men, who seek a dissolution of the Union to make Charleston the New-York of the South, none can doubt.

31 July 1871, Daily Gazette and Bulletin (Williamsport, PA), pg. 2, col. 2:
The route lies between Mobile, Alabama, and Houston, Texas passing through New Orleans, the New York of the South.

5 October 1872, Appletons' Journal of Literature, Science and Art, pg. 376:
Marvellous tales are told of this antique period in the history of the present "New York of the South," concerning acres upon acres of land, near the heart of the city, selling for fifty cents per acre, but which now are worth a snug little fortune. Such was Atlanta less than three decades ago.

17 June 1879, Daily Constitution (Atlanta, GA), pg. 4:
...the future New York of the south - as it was predicted at the opening of the Port Royal railroad in 1873.

6 July 1881, New York Times, pg. 4:
The New-Orleans Democrat says that that city is the New-York of the South, and yet has no public library.

29 January 1884, Atlanta Constitution, pg. 4:
The New York of the South.
From the New York Tribune.
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION draws a sad picture of its environment. "Within one hundred yards of the officer," is its plaintive mean, "wagons are literally up to the hub in mud. Part of Ellis street, in a quarter mile of the depot, is literally impassable." Assuming that our contemporary's account of these wagons and this streets is literally correct, it looks as if Atlanta was likely to be known as the New York of the south.

12 November 1891, Atlanta Constitution, pg. 4:
"Atlanta is a grand city. It is the New York of the south, and henceforth it can get the finest attractions produced, for its patronage is sufficient to make the very best and most expensive show a financial success."
(Bolossy Kiralfy - ed.)

21 October 1892, Atlanta Constitution, pg. 5:
Work will cease altogether and the New York of the south will pay honor to the brave navigator, who in spite of the hardships he had to endure, pointed out a new land to the ignorant people of the time.

19 January 1895, Atlanta Constitution, pg. 4:
Cedartown Standard: Atlanta aspires to be the New York of the south - in fact, she is, and so it is perfectly natural that she should follow New York in having the big police scandal and investigation that is now on hand.