New York dressed (poultry)

"New York dressed" is a term for poultry that seems to have appeared about 1902. It is poultry that is "rough plucked," with the feathers removed and the blood drawn, but with the head, feet and entrails intact.

Maybe that's why Woody Allen named one short story collection Without Feathers (1975)?

(Oxford English Dictionary)
New York dressed: (of poultry) sold by weight without having the entrails, head, or feet removed.

1974 Guardian 23 Jan. 4/7 The poultry industry..called in a slim blonde to wheel to the platform a 30-lb New York dressed turkey, New York dressed being a dying species.
During the first part of the 20th century, poultry was sold live to consumers who did their own processing. In the 1930s, only the blood and feathers were removed ("New York dressed").
California Food and Agricultural Code
25407. "New York dressed fowl" means fowl from which the feathers have been removed and the blood drawn and which is offered for sale as a whole fowl with the head, feet, and entrails intact.
Duckling is sold both fresh and frozen ready for the oven and is normally killed before the second feather stage, at about 7 -8 weeks. A smaller number are also sold New York dressed or 'rough plucked' (with heads and feet on and not drawn).
The war also spurred a shift from "New York dressed" (that is, with head, feet, and entrails intact) to fully processed chickens (without head, feet, and entrails), and later to frozen birds, which became the industry standard.

Quantity cookery: menu planning and cookery for large numbers
by Lenore Richards
Boston: Little, Brown, and Company

Pg. 88:
In ordering chicken for the above recipe, three and a half to four pounds of chicken, New York dressed, must be ordered for every pound of cooked chicken meat which is desired.

26 December 1902, Decatur (IL) Review, pg. 7, col. 5:
Full dressed chickens are selling at 15 to 17 cents a pound, New York dressed are 15 cents.

20 January 1903, Decatur (IL) Review, pg. 5, col. 3:
At 23 cents a pound New York dressed a turkey will cost 25 cents full dressed.

6 March 1903, Decatur (IL) Review, pg. 8, col. 2:
Baking and stewing chickens, New York dressed, are offered at 15 cents a pound, and turkeys at 20 cents pound, New York dressed.