“Never trust a fat dietitian”

“Never trust a fat dietitian” (sometimes misspelled “dietician”) is a humorous saying often credited to “anonymous.” A dietitian who can’t lose weight seemingly can’t help you lose weight. “Never trust a fat dietician” (sic) has been cited in print since at least 1998.
Similar sayings include “Never trust a skinny chef” (cited in print since 1965) and “Never trust a skinny ice cream maker/man” (from Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry’s, and cited in print since at least 1991).
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From: “Hines”

Date: 1998/12/21
Never trust a skinny chef.
Never trust a smoking doctor.
Never trust a fat dietician.
Never trust a skinny Santa.
Bodybuilding.com Forums
03-24-2007, 09:11 AM
“Never trust a fat dietitian, a skinny cook and a overweight doctor…”
Za sportot
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Funny Food Quotations
“Never trust a fat dietitian”
- Anonymous
The Daily Dose of Chemo
Never Trust a Fat Dietitian, Never Trust a Skinny Cook!
Monday, March 16, 2009 at 9:03PM
Confessions of a Hot Mess in Rehab
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Never Trust a Fat Dietician
The Plastic Mancunian
Monday, 7 December 2009
Never Trust ...
Never trust a fat dietician
Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements and Foods
Weight watcher’s recipes
Mar 2nd, 2010 by naturalcholesterolsupplements.com.
On a lighter note a word of caution before you jump on the low diet bandwagon as Iain Hewitson, the celebrity cook once said “Never trust a skinny cook” but at the same time “Never trust a fat dietitian”