“Never take a hostage that you can’t shoot”

Entry in progress—B.P.
Leading Authorities
Gregg: “Never take a hostage you can’t shoot.” The economy is a hostage you can’t shoot in the fiscal cliff debate. #LAIevent
5:46 AM - 17 Jan 13
M. Alam
Quote of the day: “Don’t take a hostage you can’t shoot!”
8:14 PM - 2 Oct 13
Cyn Bigelow
Judd Gregg said “I’ve said all along we shouldn’t take a hostage you can’t shoot”. Weird.. why would anyone sane want to take hostages?
11:14 PM - 2 Oct 13
Boston (MA) Globe
GOP under pressure to toe the line
Conservative groups using aggressive tactics to leverage fear

By Matt Viser |  GLOBE STAFF   OCTOBER 05, 2013
For example, the Club for Growth earlier announced it was supporting a challenger to Representative Mike Simpson, an eight-term Republican from Idaho. Simpson, an ally of House Speaker John Boehner, has said he would support a budget bill that isn’t tied to defunding the health care law.
“There is an old saying in politics that you never want to take a hostage that you can’t shoot,” he told the Idaho Statesman in August. “This is a hostage we should not shoot, and I won’t. Closing the government down has significant consequences.”