“Never put Nutella on salmon or you’ll get Salmonella”

“Never put Nutella on salmon or you’ll get Salmonella” is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. The joke Nutella recipe for “Salmonella” was printed on the newsgroup rec.food.cooking on June 15, 1998.
“What’s wrong with salmonella? I like salmon and nutella” was posted on Twitter on January 31, 2009. “Never put nutella on salmon…or you’ll get salmonella” went viral on Twitter on October 28, 2011.
Wikipedia: Nutella
Nutella (/nuːˈtɛlə/; Italian pronunciation: [nuˈtɛlla]) is the brand name of a sweetened hazelnut cocoa spread. Manufactured by the Italian company Ferrero, it was introduced to the market in 1964.
Wikipedia: Salmonella
Salmonella /ˌsælməˈnɛlə/ is a genus of rod-shaped (bacillus) gram-negative bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family. The two species of Salmonella are Salmonella enterica and Salmonella bongori. Salmonella enterica is the type species and is further divided into six subspecies that include over 2500 serovars.

S. enterica subspecies are found worldwide in all warm-blooded animals, and in the environment. S. bongori is restricted to cold-blooded animals particularly reptiles. Strains of Salmonella cause illnesses such as typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, and food poisoning (salmonellosis).
Google Groups: rec.food.cooking
Does Anyone Here Like NUTELLA?
Bert Christensen
Here is another recipe using Nutella:
1 fresh salmon filet per person
1 jar of Nutella
Spread a thin coating of Nutella on each salmon filet, and let the salmon ‘marinate’ for 30 minutes. Grill briefly on each side over hot coals.

The Nutella will form a delicious glaze.
Google Groups: alt.lifestyle.furry
Nutella again (was: Re: Lurking around Homestead)
David Cooke
I thought we had established from one of the recipe groups that “Salmonella” was salmon marinaded in Nutella and barbequed!
Google Groups: rec.food.cooking
Salmonella - An Australian Treat
No User
Salmonella - An Australian Treat
1 fresh salmon filet per person
1 jar of Nutella
Spread a thin coating of Nutella on each salmon filet, and let the salmon ‘marinate’ for 30 minutes. Grill briefly on each side over hot coals. The Nutella will form a delicious glaze.
christopher gonzalez
@airbeat what’s wrong with salmonella? I like salmon and nutella.
7:52 PM - 31 Jan 2009
zombie dwigt
‘I always thought salmonella was a mixture of salmon and nutella’ - Mariam
10:13 PM - 13 Sep 2009
Jeffrey Youngblood
wouldnt it be fun if salmonella was a combination of salmon and nutella?
11:19 PM - 10 Feb 2010
Leah Blair
Salmonella: a tasty hybrid of salmon and Nutella.
6:02 PM - 18 Jul 2011
Never put Nutella on salmon.
Or you’ll get Salmonella.
11:33 AM - 28 Oct 2011
Danny Jones
Never put nutella on salmon…or you’ll get salmonella :3
11:37 AM - 28 Oct 2011
Rens Kingma
grap verzonnen: NEVER put Nutella on Salmon, otherwise you’ll get Salmonella #trorororororor
11:50 AM - 28 Oct 2011
If I put nutella on my salmon will I contract salmonella poisoning? (self.shittyaskscience)
submitted November 13, 2013 by northkatopotential sciencer