Neiman Marxism (Neiman Marcus + Marxism); Neiman Marxist

Neiman Marcus is an American luxury specialty department store that was founded in Texas. “Neiman Marxism” (Neiman Marcus + Marxism) was explained on the blog pan kisses kafka on December 22, 2013:
“Advice like this (masquerading as “concern trolling”) falls under the category of ‘Neiman Marxism’: teach Marx in the classroom, but do all your shopping at Neiman Marcus.”
A “Neiman Marxist” is similar to a “limousine liberal” or a “Learjet liberal” or a “latte liberal.” The term “Neiman Marxist” was used in October 2008 to describe Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who the Republican Party had assisted with her wardrobe (at stores such as Neiman Marcus). The term was used by progressives after Palin had labeled the Democrats as socialists/Marxists. “Neiman Marxist” was added to the Urban Dictionary on February 17, 2009.
Wikipedia: Neiman Marcus
Neiman Marcus, originally Neiman-Marcus, is an American luxury specialty department store owned by the Neiman Marcus Group, headquartered in Dallas, Texas. The company also owns the Bergdorf Goodman department stores, and operates a direct marketing division, Neiman Marcus Direct, which operates catalogue and online operations under the Horchow, Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman names. In the US, Neiman Marcus competes with luxury retailers Saks Fifth Avenue, Barneys New York, Lord & Taylor, Nordstrom, and Bloomingdale’s. Neiman Marcus is currently owned by CPP Investment Board and Ares Management.
The Huffington Post
Posted: October 29, 2008 12:38 PM  
Rose Ann DeMoro
Hockey Mom or Neiman Marxist?
The secret is out. There is a Marxist in the Presidential race. She’s just not on the Democratic ticket. The real Marxist is in the McCain camp, the Neiman Marxist adorned in that fetching $150,000 wardrobe.
Dressing up Palin in her Neiman Marxist line doesn’t quite square with the faux populism the McCain camp has been running out as the champion of Joe the Plumber.
Urban Dictionary
Neiman Marxist
A college-educated vaguely bohemian liberal (usually female and white) who, while shopping for $400 jeans and planning visits to exclusive Vegas nightclubs, espouses Marxist revolution, loves Che and/or anti-WTO protests, and claims empathy for the poor and oppressed as long as they don’t move in next door. He or she will have traveled to a relatively safe city in the developing world with Starbucks, like Dubai, Buenos Aires, or Cape Town. Will have a piece of “ethnic” art in his or her condominium and/or suburban house in a gated community.
The border protest was attended by a group of Neiman Marxists who held signs and stayed back on the pavement.
by ranger47 February 17, 2009
Fated To Be Hated
This outfit might be the best representation ever of my winter 2012 look. Loose, black pants or sweats, lace-up boots, gold chains, beanie, and reflective sunglasses. I threw this on hoping I’d channel that urban street style vibe. Feels good to dress in clothes as comfortable as they are hip, especially after days of designer coats and handbags so posh-stentatious passersby assume you’re a flaming bourgeois capitalist even though behind the interlocking C’s is a very confused 19 year old who doesn’t believe in privatization. There’s a word for that life: Neiman Marxism.
pan kisses kafka
20 DECEMBER 2013 · 17:12
Naming and Shaming: UC-Riverside English Gives Candidates 5 Days’ Notice
22 December 2013 at 12:37
Here’s a statistic: In my program, grad stipends were $1,100/month after tax. We got paid nothing for 3 months of the summer. The idea that to be a “serious” player for “a [chimerical] job at a research university,” I should pay 33% of my annual paycheck is mind-boggling in its arrogance. Advice like this (masquerading as “concern trolling”) falls under the category of “Neiman Marxism”: teach Marx in the classroom, but do all your shopping at Neiman Marcus.
23 December 2013 at 11:17
“Neiman Marxism”- I LOVE IT!!
In comments, just learned “Neiman Marxism,” “teach Marx in the classroom, but do all your shopping at Neiman Marcus.”
6:23 PM - 24 Dec 13
Diana Bellonby
Neologism from the debate at @pankisseskafka’s blog: Neiman Marxism: teach Marx in the classroom, but do all your shopping at Neiman Marcus.
5:42 PM - 26 Dec 13