National Panhandler Radio (NPR or National Public Radio nickname)

NPR (National Public Radio) has sometimes been called “National Panhandler Radio” because of its many pledge drives. “National Panhandler Radio Does Its Imitation Of Media Matters” was an article on the website Unified Patriots on April 9, 2011. American syndicated radio talk show host Chris Plante popularized the “National Panhandler Radio” nickname.
Other NPR nicknames include “National Propaganda Radio” (cited in print since at least 1989), “National Pinko Radio” (cited in print since at least 1990), “National Palestinian Radio” (cited in print since at least 1993), “Nationalized Public Radio” (cited in print since at least 1995)  and “National Pubic Radio” (cited in print since at least 2002).
Wikipedia: NPR
National Public Radio (usually shortened to NPR, stylized as npr) is an American privately and publicly funded non-profit membership media organization that serves as a national syndicator to a network of 900 public radio stations in the United States of America.
Unified Patriots
April 9, 2011
National Panhandler Radio Does Its Imitation Of Media Matters
So its not enough that NPR is stealing money from our kids pockets, oh no, they are using those dollars to step up and portray Media Matters.
Southall for VA
Replying to @Doc_JJK
@Doc_JJK I like @ChrisPlanteShow name for them “national panhandler radio”
8:19 PM - 16 Nov 2012
Cultish, Feckless, Deplorable Catholic
Replying to @TimJGraham
@TimJGraham @BooBreeze @ChrisPlanteShow calls them National “Panhandler” Radio. Just more taxpayer financed lefty propagandists.
4:04 PM - 3 Mar 2016
Phil P.
Oh great, National Panhandler Radio. Did you contribute and get your Nina Totenbag?
11:59 PM - 20 May 2016
Jack Bannerman
@dbongino Chris Plante likes to call NPR .. National Panhandler Radio haha
7:17 PM - 27 Jan 2017
Ace of Spades HQ
Chris Plante calls it National Panhandler Radio.
Posted by: bluebell at November 01, 2017 02:39 PM
Reddit—The Donald
The Donald proposes killing National Panhandler Radio and the Propaganda Bitching Service - the confessions of a donor (self.The_Donald)
submitted February 12, 2018 by nufosmatic
D.A. Shepherd
Replying to @six7six7 @dalittledoggy and 3 others
Since you are so informed, I must surmise that you must be a daily user of NPR… “National Panhandler Radio”
9:56 AM - 22 May 2018