National Organization for Liberal Women (National Organization for Women nickname)

The National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded in 1966 to protect and advocate for women’s rights. Critics of NOW have claimed that it supports liberal women, but not conservative women.
The nickname Nationsl Organization for Liberal Women (NOLW) has been used since at least 1993. The preposition is sometimes changed to the National Organization “of” Liberal Women.
A similar nickname—adding the word “liberal”—is the National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People (NAALCP) for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Another less-frequent NOW nickname (used by conservative talk radio host Mark Levin) has been the National Association for Ugly Women.
A NOW nickname with a brand new acronym is the National Association of Gals (NAG), cited in print since 1995. NOW has been nicknamed the National Organization for Whores since 1998.

Wikipedia: National Organization for Women
The National Organization for Women (NOW) is the largest feminist organization in the United States. It was founded in 1966 and has a membership of 500,000 contributing members and 5,987 chapters in 47 U.S. states (exceptions are Hawaii, North Dakota, and Maine) and the District of Columbia.
The Free Dictionary
Acronym Definition
NOLW National Organization of Liberal Women
12 July 1993, Colorado Springs (CO) Gazette-Telegraph, pg. B7:
What it really means Patricia Ireland, president of the National Organization for Liberal Women, wants to elect more liberals to office no matter what their sex.
10 December 1993, Orlando (FL) Sentinel, “Assaulted for every word you say, think?” by John Seiler, pg. A23:
The National Organization for (Liberal) Women doesn’t like Scheidler.
Google Groups: alt.politics.usa.misc
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From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Jerome Walker)
Date: 1997/01/15
Subject: Re: Clarence Thomas
>In spite of the protestations of the National Organization of Liberal
>Women to the contrary, yes he’s there alrighty.
Google Groups:
From: Ross Hayden
Date: 1997/07/11
Subject: Re: Marg’s Feminist Smear Tactics.
NOW, is the liberal equivalent of the Montana Freemen.  Why do they call it NOW anyway?  It has little in common with the majority of women in this country, as evidenced by its sinking membership, and limited appeal to anyone but socialists.  They should call it NOLW (to rhyme with “hollow”), for the National Organization for Liberal Women, or, perhaps just NOER (poeticly licensed version of “nowhere”), for the National Organization for Extreme Radicals.
Google Groups: talk.politics.misc
Newsgroups: alt.society.liberalism,, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.clinton
From: ‘Archie’ Ridemfi
Date: 1998/04/22
Subject: Pat Ireland Also Applies For WEASEL Membership!
NOW should change their name to the National Organization of Liberal Women, or else face up to truth-in-advertising laws.
Google Groups: alt.military.cadet
Newsgroups: alt.military.retired, alt.folklore.military, alt.military.cadet, rec.aviation.military
From: “Paul Jacobsen”

Date: 1999/01/08
Subject: Re: Double Standards in Aviation Training
>For the uninitiated, what he means by the NO(L)W is National
>Organization of (Lesbian) Women.
NOnonononono..  National Organization of Liberal Women.
Media Matters for America
Levin: “It’s not the National Organization of Liberal Women. It’s the National Organization of Ugly Women”
September 05, 2008 8:36 pm ET
SUMMARY: Calling into Sean Hannity’s radio show, Mark Levin said of the National Organization for Women: “It’s not the National Organization of Liberal Women. It’s the National Organization of Ugly Women.”
Canada Free Press
NOLW: National Organization of Liberal Women
By Grant Swank
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
NOW, the National Organization of Women, is not that. NOLW is what the tag should be with LIBERAL capitalized.