“My personal beliefs are somewhere between all violence is wrong and come try me”

Two images by Declaration of Memes show people with guns.
“My personal beliefs are somewhere between all violence is wrong and come try me” was posted on Twitter by Declaration of Memes on January 19, 2023. A Gandhi-like person is examining a gun.
“my political views are somewhere between all violence is wrong and f**k around and find out” was posted on Twitter by Declaration of Memes on March 25, 2023. Mahatma Gandhi is shown with a gun.
Declaration of Memes
(The following text is shown with an image of a person with a gun.—ed.)
My personal beliefs are somewhere between all violence is wrong and come try me
1:42 AM · Jan 19, 2023
Michelle Ratliff
January 20, 2022 at 10:02 PM ·
(The following text is shown on an image, from Declaration of Memes.—ed.)
My personal beliefs are somewhere between all violence is wrong and come try me
January 23, 2023 at 6:00 AM ·
(The following text is shown on an image, from Declaration of Memes.—ed.)
My personal beliefs are somewhere between all violence is wrong and come try me
Aaron Sharland
February 14, 2023 at 3:37 AM ·
The accuracy 😂😂
(The following text is shown on an image, from Declaration of Memes.—ed.)
My personal beliefs are somewhere between all violence is wrong and come try me
Declaration of Memes
(An image is shown of Mahatma Gandhi with a gun, with the following text.—ed.)
my political views are somewhere
between all violence is wrong and
f**k around and find out
12:30 PM · Mar 25, 2023
April 4, 2023 at 7:30 PM ·
(An image, by Declaration of Memes, is shown of Mahatma Gandhi with a gun, with the following text.—ed.)
my political views are somewhere
between all violence is wrong and
f**k around and find out